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Lie detector tests

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Whilst doing a quiz the other day, it said that lie detector tests were not reliable.

Having watched the JK show a few times, they give the impression that the lie detector tests are a very good indicator of a persons honesty; not sure if they give a percentage.

I have read about people sweating and giving off various tell tale chemicals when they are not telling the truth. So why are the tests not accurate?

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Whilst doing a quiz the other day, it said that lie detector tests were not reliable.

Having watched the JK show a few times, they give the impression that the lie detector tests are a very good indicator of a persons honesty; not sure if they give a percentage.

I have read about people sweating and giving off various tell tale chemicals when they are not telling the truth. So why are the tests not accurate?


Too easy to beat with practise.

Too easy to fail if your head's a little screwed up.


Anyway, they're not lie detectors. They're stress detectors. Deception can cause stress, so to an extent they detect whether somebody is being deceptive. Or more accurately, whether somebody is in a deceptive frame of mind.


Now FMRI's. They have potential.

Edited by unbeliever
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Whilst doing a quiz the other day, it said that lie detector tests were not reliable.

Having watched the JK show a few times, they give the impression that the lie detector tests are a very good indicator of a persons honesty; not sure if they give a percentage.

I have read about people sweating and giving off various tell tale chemicals when they are not telling the truth. So why are the tests not accurate?


That bear baiting prick JK knows full well its bull! The 'tests' are inaccurate but that dosent stop this idiot ruining peoples lives based on the results.

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That bear baiting prick JK knows full well its bull! The 'tests' are inaccurate but that dosent stop this idiot ruining peoples lives based on the results.


To be fair to JK.

There's a disclaimer printed on screen when the "lie detectors" are used stating their limitations, and everybody is participating voluntarily.

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Anyway, they're not lie detectors. They're stress detectors. Deception can cause stress, so to an extent they detect whether somebody is being deceptive. Or more accurately, whether somebody is in a deceptive frame of mind.





Anyway, they're not lie detectors. They're stress detectors.





Deception can cause stress...





Deception can cause stress, so to an extent they detect whether somebody is being deceptive. Or more accurately, whether somebody is in a deceptive frame of mind.


Rubbish. Does not follow.


They detect (as you say) stress.

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They detect (as you say) stress.


I think that there can be really good operatives of these stress detectors who can get over a 90% success rate, it should be easy to spot the peak of the stress, but a beginner may bring the pass rates down, overall.

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Like a lot of other people I've watched Jeremy Kyle show, and I would be very wary of basing decisions which could have a huge impact on my life on a lie detector test!

Yes there have been occasions when I have watched & been very surprised by the results. Perhaps I'm being totally naïve, but I can't believe that a programme would knowingly cause so much grief and heartache based on tests that they knew weren't legitimate.

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