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Yet another Black murder

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Was it media hype when the police officer blew that guys brains out?


Black person killed by white person is the hype as shown by the stats.


How many white people blew another black/white/asian persons brains out in the USA recently?


Prospective. Perspective

Edited by Berberis
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Was it media hype when the police officer blew that guys brains out?


Yes it is.

Why don't you start a "yet another Hispanic murder" thread?

Are Hispanics not hyped about enough to care about?

I have no doubt the American police have issues within(like all countries),but these figures that are being sensationalized by media outlets,and supped up by people with the thinking span of a goldfish,cannot be summed up in a single sentence.

But hey,lets um it up with "yet another Black murder" eh?:rolleyes::help:

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Yet another white Police Officer shot and killed in the line of duty, in Shreveport this time.

24 years old. Not a word about this on the forum. I wonder why.


Because Timeh is obsessed with it. I bet he sits watching the vids on a loop, day in day out.

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That doesn't make any sense :confused:


Haha, bloody auto carrot!


---------- Post added 07-08-2015 at 12:08 ----------


An ‘unarmed’ white teen was shot dead by police. His family asks: Where is the outrage?



Goes to show.

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And the suspect is black,so it must be a racial thing too :rolleyes::D
Notice that I did not mention black, nor did I mean to imply it. I am merely saying that the deaths of white, or in fact any Police Officers, points out how dangerous their jobs are, made worse by comments made on forums like this.
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