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Racist Government?

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I agree , it's not racist just common sense . I can't speak Welsh so I would never dream of applying for a job in Wales .


Why not? English is the predominant language in much of Wales, especially the south. My brother has worked there for over 30 years without having to speak Welsh.

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People who do not speak fluent English will be barred from public sector jobs which involve working directly with the public, the government has said.


I would be one of the first people to say dont let them in; but this seems rather OTT !!!


A law that is not required?




No if people want to come here and work and pay taxes I'm all for it. But they need to learn our language. I work in the public sector and 4 of my colleagues are from other corners of our globe Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh they all speak impeccable English. If you chose to work somewhere you should learn the language and customs. We should do the same when we as a country work abroad (sadly we dont as much).

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What are the government going to do about Scousers then? I've met some who I really struggled to understand.



Scousers put the accent on success

The soft and friendly version of the Scouse accent has helped to turn Liverpool into Britain's favourite location for call centres.

Liverpool, where call centres have become an important strategy in economic regeneration, came top of a league table compiled by the recruitment agency Adecco. It was the only British city to win a place in the European top 10.



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People who do not speak fluent English will be barred from public sector jobs which involve working directly with the public, the government has said.


I would be one of the first people to say dont let them in; but this seems rather OTT !!!


A law that is not required?




Makes you wonder why the public sector would employ customer facing staff who can't communicate in English properly doesn't it. The cynic suggests an over powering urge to be so politically correct, that people are sometimes employed to meet an unwritten 'culture quota' in public services in preference of employing people capable of doing the job. Why else would you employ someone incapable of communicating properly with customers?

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When I read this I thought ,what's the problem? Until recently I presumed that would be the norm. Then last week on local television two women were complaining about benefit cuts, neither were speaking in English , it said underneath one was an ex nurse, which would seem to beg the Questions, if you don't speak English in an inclusive society, do you only treat patient who speak the same language? How do you write up patient records? How do you communicate with colleagues? Etc. I apologise to her if she can speak English.

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Makes you wonder why the public sector would employ customer facing staff who can't communicate in English properly doesn't it.


Not just poor communicators, but poorly educated too. I don't know if you want that bailiffs programme on C5, its one of the better and less sensational fly-on-the-wall shows of this type.


There's a baliff on it (left on this pic) who's quite a reasonable man and is very outspoken about councils and the bad and wrong advice their employees give tenants.

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