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Plans to evict failed asylum seekers

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Until the UK 'border service' (or whatever their current title is), start effectively arresting and effectively deporting all illegal immigrants after due process, it is impractical and immoral to punish landlords.

Try and report a known illegal immigrant and see what happens.

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Why aren't the authorities detaining failed asylum seekers whilst the application is processed? Why on earth aren't they at least detaining them once an application is declined? Why on earth do they want landlords evicting them from their last known address and disappearing?!?


It's just another diversion by a government pretending they are cracking down but it is just noise. Not until we leave the EU will we be able to introduce any measures that are actually effective and Cameron knows it... he just wants to create enough noise to try and get the 'yes' vote at the referendum.

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Because that isn't what we do (detain people who haven't committed a crime or been tried in court for a crime).

A declined application is still not a crime.

I do agree that evicting them is not in any way helpful.


It's nothing to do with the EU though. Asylum seekers don't come from the EU and EU immigrants don't require permission to be here.

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Because that isn't what we do (detain people who haven't committed a crime or been tried in court for a crime).

A declined application is still not a crime.

I do agree that evicting them is not in any way helpful.


It's nothing to do with the EU though. Asylum seekers don't come from the EU and EU immigrants don't require permission to be here.


If you don't have permission to be in the country then you are here illegally... which is surely a crime?


The EU created the Common European Asylum System, which sets out the rules member states must follow. This includes only detaining as a last resort, requirements to provide accommodation, rules on deportation etc. The UK cannot implement it's own policy on immigration/asylum unless it leaves the EU.

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If illegal aliens are to be evicted, the process should be similar to what it is for other tenants. To remove the rights of one set of tenants is to downgrade the security of the rights of all tenants. Everyone should be entitled to secure tenancy and people should have at least 4 weeks to move.

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If illegal aliens are to be evicted,




the process should be similar to what it is for other tenants. To remove the rights of one set of tenants is to downgrade the security of the rights of all tenants. Everyone should be entitled to secure tenancy and people should have at least 4 weeks to move.


the process will be similar to other tenants, the minister bloke was interviewed yesterday morning on the r4 today program and he was clear that the notice from the home office was sufficient evidence that the landlord needed to end the tenancy and present to a court to get the tenants forcibly evicted should they refuse to go.


though he failed quite spectacularly to answer the question about how the border agency find someone who has been evicted and who then disappears.


very good for daily mail headlines, not quite so good when it comes to joined up thinking.....

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