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Britains BIGGEST benefit scrounger

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Have you any idea how much more money is available to a typical cabinet minster in the private sector?

You think they're in it for the money? It makes no sense at all.



Should all of us who work in the public sector consider ourselves to be "on benefits"? We do have to train and compete for these jobs you know, and we do have to do the work we're assigned.


The whole salary thing is way out of kilter. It started with the bankers. Somehow a pay package of over a quarter of a million pounds has become 'normal' instead of outragous. At the same time the salaries of ordinary people is dropping in real terms, and more and more people are on minimum wage or not much above it.


We are told they have to pay top dollar to get people of sufficient calibre to do the job. All I can say is if these are the best that money can buy, we are in serious trouble. We are also told we are in 'austerity measures' yet these ridiculous salaries can always be afforded it seems.

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The whole salary thing is way out of kilter. It started with the bankers. Somehow a pay package of over a quarter of a million pounds has become 'normal' instead of outragous. At the same time the salaries of ordinary people is dropping in real terms, and more and more people are on minimum wage or not much above it.


We are told they have to pay top dollar to get people of sufficient calibre to do the job. All I can say is if these are the best that money can buy, we are in serious trouble. We are also told we are in 'austerity measures' yet these ridiculous salaries can always be afforded it seems.



In fact, let's just abolish reward for working for better qualifications and for working harder and getting better results.

We should just take all the money in the country and divide it up equally.

All jobs should be assigned randomly I suppose, or just given to the first person to show up.

Doctors for example. No need to go for the best people there, is there? Anybody can do it really. Just show up and somebody will tell you which end of the scalpel to hold. I'm sure anybody can get the hang of MRI machines. There must be a manual somewhere. We can hand out drugs at random, they're all good for you I suppose.

I'm sure it'll all work out.

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The whole salary thing is way out of kilter. It started with the bankers. Somehow a pay package of over a quarter of a million pounds has become 'normal' instead of outragous. At the same time the salaries of ordinary people is dropping in real terms, and more and more people are on minimum wage or not much above it.


We are told they have to pay top dollar to get people of sufficient calibre to do the job. All I can say is if these are the best that money can buy, we are in serious trouble. We are also told we are in 'austerity measures' yet these ridiculous salaries can always be afforded it seems.


Are you talking about bankers or lumping public sector workers in with them?

Or is it just 6 figure salary earners you are jealous of?

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He is a callous, disrespectful, self-serving monstrous excuse of a man. It sickens me that a man with such a demonstrable lack of basic human decency could have risen so high in British politics.


Take out the 39 quid brekkie and reference to IDS and you could be talking about Tony Blair.

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On the whole, bankers and premiership footballers, bloated salaries. Although still proportionate with the value they return for their paymasters.

everyone else, is about on par for output produced. Including public sector.


Some are on less than par e.g. nurses


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 12:20 ----------


Saw a trader dude earning 3 million per year with citibank just got 14 years. That's greed on an epic scale.

Edited by TJC1
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In fact, let's just abolish reward for working for better qualifications and for working harder and getting better results.

We should just take all the money in the country and divide it up equally.

All jobs should be assigned randomly I suppose, or just given to the first person to show up.

Doctors for example. No need to go for the best people there, is there? Anybody can do it really. Just show up and somebody will tell you which end of the scalpel to hold. I'm sure anybody can get the hang of MRI machines. There must be a manual somewhere. We can hand out drugs at random, they're all good for you I suppose.

I'm sure it'll all work out.


Actually, there is a very successful form of democracy where the politicians are chosen by public lottery from the entire population. Just saying...


As for rewarding skills that's fine, but there used to be an algorythm that said the managing director should earn approximately 10 x the lowest paid worker, and people were perfectly happy with that.


Also it isn't just about getting qualifications and working hard, it's about who you know and what strings you can pull. These days there is a great deal of jumping on the gravy train, and you know as well as I do that this is happening more and more.

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Actually, there is a very successful form of democracy where the politicians are chosen by public lottery from the entire population. Just saying...


What? Where? That's just about the daftest system of government I've ever heard of.

Why not apply the same system to doctors, scientists and airline pilots?


Bad leadership of the country can cost us hundreds of billions of pounds. As Gordon Brown spectacularly demonstrated. And you want to pull a randomer off the street to do it. Madness!.


As for rewarding skills that's fine, but there used to be an algorythm that said the managing director should earn approximately 10 x the lowest paid worker, and people were perfectly happy with that.


People are paid what they're worth. If one person wasn't worth £100k more to the company than another, the company wouldn't pay them that much. They're not that stupid.


Also it isn't just about getting qualifications and working hard, it's about who you know and what strings you can pull. These days there is a great deal of jumping on the gravy train, and you know as well as I do that this is happening more and more.


Rubbish. I'm sure there are cases, but that's not the way society works as a whole.

Edited by unbeliever
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1. It's a method called 'Sortition' and was commonly in use in early Athenian Greek democracy. It has also been tried elsewhere. We have the remnants of it in our jury system.


2. People are demonstrably not paid what they're worth. If shop assistants for example were allowed to vote for their own levels of pay and payrises, as many board members do, they would be earning a heck of a lot more than they are now.


3. That is exactly how society works...

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1. It's a method called 'Sortition' and was commonly in use in early Athenian Greek democracy. It has also been tried elsewhere. We have the remnants of it in our jury system.


2. People are demonstrably not paid what they're worth. If shop assistants for example were allowed to vote for their own levels of pay and payrises, as many board members do, they would be earning a heck of a lot more than they are now.


3. That is exactly how society works...


Where else has Sortition been tried to elect politicians?

Edited by SnailyBoy
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Doctors for example. No need to go for the best people there, is there? Anybody can do it really. Just show up and somebody will tell you which end of the scalpel to hold.


Doctors are not a good example, because they are some of our most important people, but yet they are not at the top of the money tree.


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 17:49 ----------



People are paid what they're worth.


Dont company directors set their own pay levels, I would love to be able to do that, I wouldnt be greedy ;)

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