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Britains BIGGEST benefit scrounger

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.. and be unemployed in a few months for paying themselves a salary that the business probably couldn't sustain due to ignorance of the business. The complexities of payroll vs. profit isn't in the remit of shop assistants, if it was and they understood it then they wouldn't be shop assistants would they? The people at the top give themselves a pay rise to reflect their perceived level of success, at an amount the company can afford to pay them.


Last time I looked we weren't a communist utopia, where everyone has to earn pay equal to everyone else with no reflection on the job skills or time worked.


The arrogance of your reply is quite staggering. We are not in a communist utopia, nor would I wish to be, but attitudes like yours are what start revolutions.

Of course, board members can't be made unemployed because they earn too much can they? Because they're in charge of the hiring and firing, but that doesn't mean they do a good job: rather the opposite. Bankers haven't exactly covered themselves in glory have they? What with ruining the economy, either by criminal means or plain inneptitude. Yet they see fit to pay themselves millions while the people they've ruined have to suffer the consequences of their massive egos.

Actually a shop assistant would probably have done a better job...

Edited by Anna B
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The arrogance of your reply is quite staggering. We are not in a communist utopia, nor would I wish to be, but attitudes like yours are what start revolutions.


No, attitudes like mine are just what wind you up. People with low skills in low responsibility roles will always earn less money than those that jobs at the other end of the spectrum, and they will always resent those with greater success and more money than themselves. This thread is highlighting the chips on shoulders quite nicely.


The only thing that is preventing people from improving their lives by gaining better skills or employment is themselves. In this thread we have someone who's worked a badly paid job for the last seven years and is possibly contemplating quitting it to sit on the dole, yet is obviously content to earn such a low salary as after seven years - a seventh of their working life - they've seemingly made no effort to change.


How much exactly do you think a shop assistant should be earning, and then in turn, how much do you think you should be earning as a reflection of your own skills and responsibility against theirs? Would you feel that you have less self worth if you earnt less than one of your magic shop assistants? Could you actually afford to shop anymore in the shop that these assistants work in - after all, their salary increase would have to be paid for by the customer.


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 23:51 ----------


Edit: my mistake, the seven years guy is in another thread.

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No, attitudes like mine are just what wind you up. People with low skills in low responsibility roles will always earn less money than those that jobs at the other end of the spectrum, and they will always resent those with greater success and more money than themselves. This thread is highlighting the chips on shoulders quite nicely.


The only thing that is preventing people from improving their lives by gaining better skills or employment is themselves. In this thread we have someone who's worked a badly paid job for the last seven years and is possibly contemplating quitting it to sit on the dole, yet is obviously content to earn such a low salary as after seven years - a seventh of their working life - they've seemingly made no effort to change.


How much exactly do you think a shop assistant should be earning, and then in turn, how much do you think you should be earning as a reflection of your own skills and responsibility against theirs? Would you feel that you have less self worth if you earnt less than one of your magic shop assistants? Could you actually afford to shop anymore in the shop that these assistants work in - after all, their salary increase would have to be paid for by the customer.


---------- Post added 04-08-2015 at 23:51 ----------


Edit: my mistake, the seven years guy is in another thread.


As a matter of fact I have a degree, held down a professional job as a teacher and lecturer for 20+ years, and did alright for myself thankyou, although I would never call teaching particularly well paid, more a vocation.


I also saw a lot of very bright kids end up in jobs well below their capabilities for all sorts of reasons, but basically because their circumstances didn't give them a chance. So yes, to that end I do have a chip on my shoulder. I've also seen a fair number of kids with all the right connections do very well, in spite of being none too bright, simply because daddy had the wherewithall to give them a leg up. It is quite simply not a level playing field, and I resent simplistic attitudes such as yours that 'the only thing preventing them from improving their lives is themselves.'


In an ideal world maybe that would be true, but the world is not ideal. I cannot go into detail of some of the things I came across, but you really have no idea of what some people are up against...

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As a matter of fact I have a degree, held down a professional job as a teacher and lecturer for 20+ years, and did alright for myself thankyou, although I would never call teaching particularly well paid, more a vocation.


I also saw a lot of very bright kids end up in jobs well below their capabilities for all sorts of reasons, but basically because their circumstances didn't give them a chance. So yes, to that end I do have a chip on my shoulder. I've also seen a fair number of kids with all the right connections do very well, in spite of being none too bright, simply because daddy had the wherewithall to give them a leg up. It is quite simply not a level playing field, and I resent simplistic attitudes such as yours that 'the only thing preventing them from improving their lives is themselves.'


In an ideal world maybe that would be true, but the world is not ideal. I cannot go into detail of some of the things I came across, but you really have no idea of what some people are up against...

Reminds me of my school days, the better dressed you was the better you got on ,both in and out of school.

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Reminds me of my school days, the better dressed you was the better you got on ,both in and out of school.
............and first out of bed best dressed!


---------- Post added 05-08-2015 at 16:16 ----------


As a matter of fact I have a degree, held down a professional job as a teacher and lecturer for 20+ years, and did alright for myself thankyou, although I would never call teaching particularly well paid, more a vocation.


I also saw a lot of very bright kids end up in jobs well below their capabilities for all sorts of reasons, but basically because their circumstances didn't give them a chance. So yes, to that end I do have a chip on my shoulder. I've also seen a fair number of kids with all the right connections do very well, in spite of being none too bright, simply because daddy had the wherewithall to give them a leg up. It is quite simply not a level playing field, and I resent simplistic attitudes such as yours that 'the only thing preventing them from improving their lives is themselves.'


In an ideal world maybe that would be true, but the world is not ideal. I cannot go into detail of some of the things I came across, but you really have no idea of what some people are up against...

..........one gets the impression more and more from your posts Anna that you have been poisoned against the private sector and levels of success.

You insult the huge amount of people that have made a success of their lives many from humble backgrounds.

Nearly all the successful people I know and there are lots! were not over educated neither a leg up from "Daddy" but did it with determination! available to all with some effort!..........these people do not see the glass half empty all the time!

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............and first out of bed best dressed!


---------- Post added 05-08-2015 at 16:16 ----------


..........one gets the impression more and more from your posts Anna that you have been poisoned against the private sector and levels of success.

You insult the huge amount of people that have made a success of their lives many from humble backgrounds.

Nearly all the successful people I know and there are lots! were not over educated neither a leg up from "Daddy" but did it with determination! available to all with some effort!..........these people do not see the glass half empty all the time!


No, I celebrate people who have made a success of their lives, especially those who have achieved it via hard work, against the odds and from humble backgrounds, it's just that they are all too rare. I appreciate that individuals grade success differently and I have long advocated that small businesses and entrepreneurship should be supported, rather than annihilated by the big corporations. My gripe is with the 1%


Statistics show that social mobility is grinding to a halt, and it is becoming more and more a (super) rich man's world. I particularly object to this in politics, where you have a cabinet consisting of well heeled Oxbridge types and multimillionaires, (both parties,) rather than a body representative of the electorate.

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"He is a callous, disrespectful, self-serving monstrous excuse of a man. It sickens me that a man with such a demonstrable lack of basic human decency could have risen so high in British politics."


"Take out the 39 quid brekkie and reference to IDS and you could be talking about Tony Blair."





Well I don't see much of Townie Bliar in the above, it's a much too decent way of describing him. I could describe him better, but I would never be allowed to post on here again.



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