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Whip admits pheadophiles in House of Commons

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Revelations about paedophilia in the House of Commons.

Fortescue worked as a whip in Edward Heath’s government between 1970 and 1973. In a 1995 BBC documentary, Westminster’s Secret Service, he said the following about what the Whips would do for MPs who were in danger of being mired in scandal:

Source: Wikipedia.

Recording and transcript of interview below.




49 secs.


“ For anyone with any sense, who was in trouble, would come to the whips and tell them the truth, and say now, I’m in a jam, can you help? It might be debt, it might be… a scandal involving small boys, or any kind of scandal in which, erm er, a member seemed likely to be mixed up in, they’d come and ask if we could help and if we could, we did. And we would do everything we can because we would store up brownie points… and if I mean, that sounds a pretty, pretty nasty reason, but it’s one of the reasons because if we could get a chap out of trouble then, he will do as we ask forever more.

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The Australian '60 minutes' covered the paedophile scandal in Westminster far better than anything on British TV which still has its head in the sand. It's available on Youtube.

Listen to what Zac Goldsmith has to say.


It's not just the paedophilia, but the lengths that were gone to to cover it up that should be of great concern to everyone. And note how it is always referred to as 'historical.'

But is it really, or is it still going on today?

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