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TV / television licensing MEGATHREAD

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i have told my teenage kids,when they leave home im not renewing the licence,i would rather spend time on a pc than watch the repeats on tv that i paid to watch several years ago, it must be the only industry in the world that can sell you stuff for a second and third or fourth time and get away with it,unless of course you count the saunas....

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Technically you do but how they would find out or enforce it I'm not sure




You only need a license to recieve broadcast transmissions.

BBC iplayer plays recorded material that has been previously broadcast.


Similar situation to not needing a license to use a video player with a detuned TV and without an aerial connection.


You do need a license to watch live TV on your computer, but that is another thing.




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So...after 'avoiding' paying it for some time I finally got busted about 10 minutes ago. It's a fair cop I suppose, but I only watch Doctor Who on BBC and it seems an awful lot to pay for one show that's only on 12 weeks per year :rant:[/i][/b]


So, how did you get caught? Were they using a detector?

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So, how did you get caught? Were they using a detector?


The TV licencing bods send out lists of addresses with no licence to third party companies who employee agents on commission for each licence they "sell".


We've had an ongoing argument with the jerks having managed to get someone out from the actual TV licencing people to inspect the premises as confirm there are no TV's here but still get hasseled by spotty 20 year olds in cheap suits trying to act like Jack Bauer about their amazing "powers".

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Actually you should be fined for watching Dr Who.




Radio Sheffield and Radio 2 are great, but £139.50 is a lot of money to pay to listen to the oirish list of Sir Thierry of Wogan.


Could they get rid of Johnny Woss and, er, whatsername from weakest link, and save the public £32 million a year :huh:

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I hate TV licensing. Not because I object to the license fee (much) but because if you genuinely DON'T have a telly (I didn't for three years) they will refuse to believe you no matter how many politely worded letters you send to their office. And the threats just keep coming through the letterbox...

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Best thing to do is to plead insanity.


When you get in front of the magistrates, answer every question by screaming the word "FELT" at the top of your lungs.


If they threaten you with contempt, just tell them proudly that youre a coffee table from Argos and you can hold the weight of a good sized mug of coffee.


Ok, it wont really help, in fact you might end up in a cell for the evening, but its a treat to see the looks on their faces.

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