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TV / television licensing MEGATHREAD

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---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 01:38 ----------


Is it against the law to have a TV in your home? Answer NO. You can have thousands of TV's in your home. Let me make this simple. Do you need a driving licence to own a car? Answer no.


The difficult part is proving they are watching the TV or driving the car. No licence needed to own both.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 01:41 ----------


Tv inspectors have no more power than a window cleaner trying to drum up business.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 02:09 ----------


A TV licence is not actually a licence. It is nothing more than a receipt for service’s rendered. They adopted the wording “Licence” to make it sound official and scary.


If I chapped your door and was asking to let me in … Would you? A TV inspector ( Read bum) Has NO more right to enter your home as I do. They have NO more Power than a stranger walking past your house chapping your door and asking questions. A TV ( “ licence” .. Read receipt ) For a service you may or may not use. Has no more power than a stranger. Tell them to of!!


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 02:14 ----------


Morrison’s … Hi our system shows you have not shopped with us . Can you explain why not? If you do not intend shopping with us in the future can you let us know so we can update our system.


What would you do? TV is just the same. Morrison’s has the same power as TV licence. Which is NOTHING!!!


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 02:18 ----------


I don’t need to explain why I don’t shop at Morrison’s anymore, the same goes for I don’t need to explain why I don’t have a TV licence. Read “ licence” as nothing more than a receipt.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 02:24 ----------


From a legality point of view a TV licence has no more weight, respectability etc than a shopping receipt from lidl. Yet people think a chap at the door from TV bums have more power than Linda from lidl chapping your door. They both have the same power….. NONE!


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 02:31 ----------


P.S All the if you have a game machine etc you need a licence. Rubbish I have never heard so much silly .


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 02:44 ----------


Do I need a licence to own a car ? Do I need a pilots licence to own a aeroplane. ? Answer NO. Even if your house is full of TVs so what!!! Nothing anyone can do. And a TV salesman trying to sell a TV licence has no legal right to enter your home or ask you questions. Simple.

Edited by suggz
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But other people don't agree. And we live in a democracy. Make it optional and see how many people are prepared to pay £145 of their own free will. It's not right for people to force others to pay for something they insist is good value. Let individuals decide what is or isn't good value.


How would you enforce this exactly? How would the BBC restrict it's content so only licence fee payers can access it? You can't, it's impossible.


How many of the 2 million households in the UK currently claiming to not need a TV licence are genuinely not receiving live TV? We have someone in this thread who is denying ever had a licence yet 'doesn't watch much TV'. 'Not much' still means 'some'.




The system needs to change from the current model. As it stands, as more people decide not to pay - for genuine reasons or not - then unless the cost of the licence is increased, the revenue generated will decrease and the quality of output will decrease with some avenues being shut altogether. If you take it to it's logical conclusion, a few would be paying a lot for not much.


According to wikipedia, the first TV licence, for a single black and white channel in 1946 cost £72.88 in 2015 money. Considering the many hundred times fold in output, a doubling of the fee in 2015 money isn't bad at all.

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Anyone care to differ I will be happy to talk and give pin point detail.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 02:55 ----------


How would you enforce this exactly? How would the BBC restrict it's content so only licence fee payers can access it? You can't, it's impossible.


How many of the 2 million households in the UK currently claiming to not need a TV licence are genuinely not receiving live TV? We have someone in this thread who is denying ever had a licence yet 'doesn't watch much TV'. 'Not much' still means 'some'.




The system needs to change from the current model. As it stands, as more people decide not to pay - for genuine reasons or not - then unless the cost of the licence is increased, the revenue generated will decrease and the quality of output will decrease with some avenues being shut altogether. If you take it to it's logical conclusion, a few would be paying a lot for not much.


According to wikipedia, the first TV licence, for a single black and white channel in 1946 cost £72.88 in 2015 money. Considering the many hundred times fold in output, a doubling of the fee in 2015 money isn't bad at all.


Again read licence as receipt. It is NOT a licence.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 02:58 ----------


It is no more than when you pay for food at the shops. The only difference is the shop don’t chap your door. The BBC Do. But have NO more power than your local shop.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 03:37 ----------


Let me make this simple. If you go to the shop for food then pay. Think of the bbc as a subscription. If You watch it you pay. However they have no legal power to harass people. They have NO Power.


It would be like asda chapping your door saying >> I think you have taken food from my shop, can I come in your house and look? What would you say?!? That is what the bbc do. But have no power!!!


The bbc have NO more power than asda,. If the door chaps and it is a salesman selling a TV licence ( a receipt for bbc TV that is what it is ) Tell them to Off. You have no contract or obligation to pay the bbc if you don’t watch it. And lets be honest how would they know if you do or don’t. Answer they Don’t have a clue. If they could why chap your door to ask ?!?


Detector and hand held devises > LOL don’t make me laugh. Never paid Never will!!


Just for fun: Scenario the van can hear exactly what you are watching. Think about that!!! We have a man in a van listening to you making love to the man next door. A voyeur in a van?? Don’t think so!.


We can triangulate the signal to pin point the tv in your tower block. Lol uhhu!!


What I am saying is this. If I started snooping about your house what would happen?? Because I have the same legal right as the BBC. What legal rights do I have equal to the BBC : Answer NONE! For both


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 03:40 ----------


If you would not talk to me, or let me in your house, then don’t let bbc. They have NO power to do so!!!


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 04:20 ----------


The bbc have no more legal power than the local road sweeper. It is simple, do away with adverts and no need for a subscription fee ( licence ). It is not a licence legally. The word licence from the bbc is only to make it sound official. But has NO Legal significance. It simple means receipt. to make the word licence sound scary. It is nothing more than a receipt from lidl.


Show adverts like all other channels and forget about the bbc licence ( Read subscription fee, Receipt ) I don’t remember Netflicks chapping my door saying you have a PC capable of picking up my movies PAY ME!


I own a fishing rod does that mean I need a fishing / rod licence??

Edited by suggz
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If they look through your window and see a TV on, expect to end up in court.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 09:47 ----------


Suggz is quite happily describing how it's possible for him to get away with breaking the law. He might as well be describing shop lifting techniques.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 09:48 ----------


ubermaus also seems to be condoning theft, although he won't quite come out and say it.


I think there was a thread in the past though where he did... Then got all hot under the collar about it.


You know what would be funny though, if you buy that house you're thinking about, and then get burgled. I bet you don't think theft is so funny then.

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If they look through your window and see a TV on, expect to end up in court.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 09:47 ----------


Suggz is quite happily describing how it's possible for him to get away with breaking the law. He might as well be describing shop lifting techniques.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 09:48 ----------


ubermaus also seems to be condoning theft, although he won't quite come out and say it.


I think there was a thread in the past though where he did... Then got all hot under the collar about it.


You know what would be funny though, if you buy that house you're thinking about, and then get burgled. I bet you don't think theft is so funny then.


Bang on the money.

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If they look through your window and see a TV on, expect to end up in court.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 09:47 ----------


Suggz is quite happily describing how it's possible for him to get away with breaking the law. He might as well be describing shop lifting techniques.


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 09:48 ----------


ubermaus also seems to be condoning theft, although he won't quite come out and say it.


I think there was a thread in the past though where he did... Then got all hot under the collar about it.


You know what would be funny though, if you buy that house you're thinking about, and then get burgled. I bet you don't think theft is so funny then.


Will the burglar be fully clothed?


---------- Post added 07-03-2015 at 10:11 ----------


You shoplift as well then? Maybe sometimes mug someone? Or is it just the BBC that you steal from?


I seem to recall You said you stole that bakewell tart once. Pot calling kettle black?

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