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TV / television licensing MEGATHREAD

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Do you have to pay the fine, PLUS, all back-dated payments you should have made?


Otherwise you may as well say to them, "look, I have no intention of paying the TV license, EVER. Just send me the £1000 fine, and I'll pay that, and that'll be the end of it, thank you very much".


Wouldn't you'd be better off paying the £1000, than you would the £139 year after year?

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Do you have to pay the fine, PLUS, all back-dated payments you should have made?


Otherwise you may as well say to them, "look, I have no intention of paying the TV license, EVER. Just send me the £1000 fine, and I'll pay that, and that'll be the end of it, thank you very much".


Wouldn't you'd be better off paying the £1000, than you would the £139 year after year?


The fine is in addition to the cost of the licence. If you then don't purchase a new licence when the current one expires you can be fined £1000 again.

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How long do they wait before they charge you the £1000 again?


I'm just wondering if you're better off going for the pay the fine option, rather than paying the regular license fee (actually, I think you're better off ditching the TV, but that's another thread).

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Is it worth £120 a year to have no adverts?



A few quid more than that schiz.


It's yet another scam to keep the boys in nice comfy well paid jobs.


Have you seen the cost of their hideous graphics that they insist on changing at regular intervals? You know, the swimming hippos and flashy news intros etc etc.


A revolving paper mache globe suited us for donkeys years - why do we suddenly need to spend masses of cash on GRAPHICS???

Oh yeah, soz, it's to keep the Oxbridge failures busy and well lumped up; - the students that decided to do a course in digital imaging/graphics etc when they realised that they couldn't begin to grasp even basic astro physics.


Never mind son - daddy knows someone in Broadcasting House - you'll be fine.


I would never condone the breaking of the law - honest guv - but you do know, don't you that they have no right of entry into your home?


We once had a visit when we took over my parents home I had no idea where our docs were and soon got fed up of searching. When he said he would have to insist on seeing it I told him to 'go away' - which he did - they are equipped with all of the fascist attitude that you would expect a minion of the mighty beeb to possess - but very little actual power.


Hard luck mate!

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How long do they wait before they charge you the £1000 again?


I'm just wondering if you're better off going for the pay the fine option, rather than paying the regular license fee (actually, I think you're better off ditching the TV, but that's another thread).



ive been fined twice in about 7 years for not having a license think both fines where in total around 250 so in my case ive saved money:)

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When I was caught out, I went to court and won. They got costs and I got money knocked off my years license.

I think the fact I turned up in court confused everyody involved.


To be fair, when they called round I had only just moved in and had only just brought the TV in that day. TV license was on my list of things to get the next day.

They were claiming I'd had the TV there for the month that I'd had the tenancy and I could provide statements confirming I hadn't.


Im still not sure why I got a month free.

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A few quid more than that schiz.


It's yet another scam to keep the boys in nice comfy well paid jobs.


Have you seen the cost of their hideous graphics that they insist on changing at regular intervals? You know, the swimming hippos and flashy news intros etc etc.


A revolving paper mache globe suited us for donkeys years - why do we suddenly need to spend masses of cash on GRAPHICS???

Oh yeah, soz, it's to keep the Oxbridge failures busy and well lumped up; - the students that decided to do a course in digital imaging/graphics etc when they realised that they couldn't begin to grasp even basic astro physics.


Never mind son - daddy knows someone in Broadcasting House - you'll be fine.


I would never condone the breaking of the law - honest guv - but you do know, don't you that they have no right of entry into your home?


We once had a visit when we took over my parents home I had no idea where our docs were and soon got fed up of searching. When he said he would have to insist on seeing it I told him to 'go away' - which he did - they are equipped with all of the fascist attitude that you would expect a minion of the mighty beeb to possess - but very little actual power.


Hard luck mate!


I tend to pick my fights these days. A few years ago you'd have caught arguing the toss on the doorstep about warrants etc I have a TV, I avoided paying it and got caught, fair cop really. In the scheme of things its not the biggest battle I have so I'll continue to be lax about renewing it and get caught again.

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