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TV / television licensing MEGATHREAD

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Futue te Ipsum :)


So that's what it boils down to. You don't have an argument to make, you are unwilling to address the point raised so you stoop to abuse and insults.


I thought you were better than that I really did.

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Strange unassociated debates about what is and what is not moral aside.


The BBC gets far too much money already as is evidenced by the number of things it does waste money on apart from provide TV and radio for uk audiences. The rest can go. It is not the responsibility of people of this country to pay this extra tax called a tv license fee to provide either entertainment or the misinformation it calls the news for the rest of the world.


If the BBC wants to continue it ought to finance itself by advertising like every other channel and stop trying to force its establishment views and morals upon us.


If you want to discuss morals then discuss the morality of the government that has apparently forgotten its role is to serve the electorate and not impose fees upon people for a service they don't all want or use.


In January 2004 the dispute with the bbc that resulted in Kilroy silk quitting because of the row about his telling the truth made me question whether or not I would continue to watch the bbc. I decided their hypocrisy was not acceptable to me and have not chosen to watch the bbc at home for 11 years now. So, just for those that get their panties all in a bunch about these things; I am not using something I don’t pay for. I don’t want their services and do not see why I should contribute to something I don’t want and also believe to be corrupt.




---------- Post added 04-04-2015 at 12:48 ----------



Futue te Ipsum :)


Are your comments regarding the morality of the laws that used to relate to the pratices of gay men related in some way to your last comment. Are you advocating what appears to be some sort of auto-gay practice?


A question; is it now ok in these forums to use such a term as "futue" (that some perhaps anally retentive people might call swearing) in any language or just latin? Just wondering what is an what is not acceptable to those that generally fuss about such things.



Edited by Tommo68
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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone else been harrassed by the tv licensing department?

I am a low earner so have a card which i pay £6.50 per fortnight......every other week(the week they dont get a payment) i am continuously texted/phoned/ sent a letter) threatening that if i dont pay i will be taken off the scheme & taken to court for non_payment....

I have saved these calls( ranging from & 7.30 in mornings to 10.30 at night)

It has got to the point where i ignore them(once I answered & let them talk to themselves !)

I think its ridiculous that these types of government companies are exempt from the crime of harrassment

btw.....Today i have a letter saying i owe 3.50 and if i dont pay i will be taken off the scheme and taken to court and fined £1000....if i dont pay this money,my tv licence will end on 31st january 2016...

it s ridiculous and god knows how the elderly feel...

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Dont pay it. Cancel any payment plan or DD, ring them and tell them you dont need a license, answer no question not even when they ask you your name. Job done. When they start writing to 'The occupier' as they will, your in the clear. If they turn up at your home tell them to leave, answer no questions not even your name. If they dont ring the police and ask them to remove the trespasser.

Then phone TVL and remove implied rights of access and they should leave you alone for up to 2 years.

If they contact you in this time its harassment.

Under no circumstance do you allow trhese Capita salesmen into your home. They no more rights than any salesmen as thats exactly what they are.

Also, the BBC have been helping cover up paedophile activity for years, do you really want to contribute to that?

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Call them and remove the implied right of access, if they ever turn up at you're property don't answer any questions and ask them to leave. They can't prosecute you until you give them the info they need, as they have no way of proving you're watching live TV or who you are unless you tell them.

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I'm due my monthly "threat-o-gram" about now. It's usually one of 4 or 5 standard letters they rotate in sequence.


Since I don't own a TV or watch live streams, even if they do turn up at my door there's nothing the can do me for.


But yes, it is a form of harassment. I'm sure the champagne socialists at the BBC would be up in arms if Sky TV carried on like that.

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You're best bet is to contact the Citizens Advice Bureau, take any letters etc. you have with you. Don't listen to advice on here. That is not a dig at users, you just need a consistent point of knowledge.


Trust me, CAB will only tell them them what i and PAKS4 have said. Ive dealt with TVL for many years for many people. If i was to give a rough guess id say it counselled 50+ people in the last 4 years alone. All have had a positive result and now feel better about not supporting the BBC.

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