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TV / television licensing MEGATHREAD

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Trouble is with forums you can never be sure if people are who they say you are, at least with the CAB you know who you're dealing with.


Personally I'd be happy to go to court (assuming I was in the right).


Hopefully you have proof that you've made the payments?

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Has anyone else been harrassed by the tv licensing department?

I am a low earner so have a card which i pay £6.50 per fortnight......every other week(the week they dont get a payment) i am continuously texted/phoned/ sent a letter) threatening that if i dont pay i will be taken off the scheme & taken to court for non_payment....

I have saved these calls( ranging from & 7.30 in mornings to 10.30 at night)

It has got to the point where i ignore them(once I answered & let them talk to themselves !)

I think its ridiculous that these types of government companies are exempt from the crime of harrassment

btw.....Today i have a letter saying i owe 3.50 and if i dont pay i will be taken off the scheme and taken to court and fined £1000....if i dont pay this money,my tv licence will end on 31st january 2016...

it s ridiculous and god knows how the elderly feel...


Dont pay it If its making your life a misery.


Cancel arrangement with bank. Tell them you dont have a tv anymore and give them notice of denied implied rights of access.


Job done. If the BBC go under they might realise they should of treated law abiding citizens better.

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My partner and I are also having issues with TVL.


We bought our licence outright last july and moved in Sept. We called and had the licence transferred (or so we thought) as per their instructions. All was rosey till April when they sent the usual threats, we contacted them FOUR times and on each occasion we were told that it was sorted. Then the renewal came and we did the same again, bought it outright online, printed it out and filed it.


Come to 2 weeks ago and another threatening letter stating we don't have a licence and are being pursued for not having one since Sept '14 !


We've told them that we have BOTH copies and been told several times there was an error which was corrected.


I have copied the two licences and can't wait till they knock on the door. Those copies are getting stapled to their bloody foreheads!

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Has anyone else been harrassed by the tv licensing department?

I am a low earner so have a card which i pay £6.50 per fortnight......every other week(the week they dont get a payment) i am continuously texted/phoned/ sent a letter) threatening that if i dont pay i will be taken off the scheme & taken to court for non_payment....

I have saved these calls( ranging from & 7.30 in mornings to 10.30 at night)

It has got to the point where i ignore them(once I answered & let them talk to themselves !)

I think its ridiculous that these types of government companies are exempt from the crime of harrassment

btw.....Today i have a letter saying i owe 3.50 and if i dont pay i will be taken off the scheme and taken to court and fined £1000....if i dont pay this money,my tv licence will end on 31st january 2016...

it s ridiculous and god knows how the elderly feel...


So you're actually paying them, and the idiots are still harrassing you!


Like many others here have said, cease paying them.


Dont pay it. Cancel any payment plan or DD, ring them and tell them you dont need a license, answer no question not even when they ask you your name. Job done. When they start writing to 'The occupier' as they will, your in the clear. If they turn up at your home tell them to leave, answer no questions not even your name. If they dont ring the police and ask them to remove the trespasser.

Then phone TVL and remove implied rights of access and they should leave you alone for up to 2 years.

If they contact you in this time its harassment.

Under no circumstance do you allow trhese Capita salesmen into your home. They no more rights than any salesmen as thats exactly what they are.

Also, the BBC have been helping cover up paedophile activity for years, do you really want to contribute to that?



good advice there.


---------- Post added 23-08-2015 at 12:44 ----------


Why are you so against the OP getting proper legal advice?


He/she doesn't need legal advice. He/she has already gone through pointless and unnecessary stress in their efforts to pay.


Fact is, no-one needs to buy a license- visit any forum on the subject to get the simple list of things to do that will leave you immune from the BBCs empty threats.


The OP has tried to pay them- I'm surprised the BBC think they are in a position to subject the people who do pay them to this kind of rubbish- that's only going to result in even more people getting so annoyed that they do the small amount of research and becoming non-payers.

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I came home one day to find a card saying they had called because I didn't have a license.

I checked my on-line banking and printed a statement off to show them it's paid by DD, and recently taken out.

They never came back or contacted me, and I couldn't be bothered to ring them and hold on listening to pan pipes for 15 minutes to let them know.

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Also, the BBC have been helping cover up paedophile activity for years, do you really want to contribute to that?


Yawn, we've been over this before.


So did the police, and some hospitals, but you don't seem to be telling people to boycott them.. why is that?


As for the OP, just bin the letters, if you've paid, you've paid.

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Oh, must not matter any more then.


Do you think the BBC as it stands today would be involved in a peadophile cover up?


If the answer is yes, then presumably you were in error advising anyone to call the police, since they have been shown to be far more active in covering up / ignoring peadophile activity than the BBC ever were.


Do you hold the same conviction when using NHS services?


Exactly what's so special about the BBC that you keep harping the same tired old nonsense while seemingly absolving anyone else of any blame?


Maybe its time i looked up NAMBLA, see if they have changed their ways too eh?


LOL... Ridiculous, what exactly do you think "BBC" means? :loopy:

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Do you think the BBC as it stands today would be involved in a peadophile cover up?


Oh my word. Are you really that naive? Tell me, has it still got many people from staff to presenters who were there in the 60s 70s and 80s?


---------- Post added 24-08-2015 at 17:59 ----------


LOL... Ridiculous, what exactly do you think "BBC" means? :loopy:


Not what it ought to,.

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