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The Internet … disadvantages & weaknesses

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I suppose we could look back and revise our initial impressions about the Internet as we are now in year 2015


Perhaps the most powerful point against the net in my view is the lack or weakness of security as we know it compared to dealing with each other face to face or even when using the phone ..


Even though I find it full with info similar to a giant library that covers every subject and every matter you can think of and imagine and expanding by the hour .., but perhaps too, there is a lot of time wasting, untruths and acting


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...and it is much easier and quicker to post such untruths on the internet than it is/was to write it in a book. I`m trying to think of that saying about a rumour that is started on the internet can be half way around the world by mid day, or something similar to that.

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Obviously the Internet has its faults and weaknesses, but it is still a marvel. I don't think it has even begun to fulfill its potential and we will see it continue to develop over the years.


I am not a total fan, however, as some of the downsides need addressing fairly urgently. As with most things, it needs treating with respect. But generally speaking, I think it's a very good thing, and we soon won't be able to remember a time without it.

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the main weakness to me is anybody can post absolutely anything they want as truth and people believe it.

whether its on social media, emails, forums or your own website even




Obviously the Internet has its faults and weaknesses, but it is still a marvel. I don't think it has even begun to fulfill its potential and we will see it continue to develop over the years


Perhaps worryingly?



I am not a total fan, however, as some of the downsides need addressing fairly urgently. As with most things, it needs treating with respect. But generally speaking, I think it's a very good thing, and we soon won't be able to remember a time without it.



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