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Majority of Rotherham child exploitation suspects are white!

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A new report claims 68% of child exploitation suspects identified are white = http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/local/majority-of-rotherham-child-exploitation-suspects-are-white-claims-new-report-1-7392637

Will the EDL be protesting about this and will the posters on SF who were expressing hatred after the Jay report was released also be reacting the same way to this report or will they somehow claim it's wrong?

Which report do we believe?

Have the Muslims forced them to release this report in an attempt to take the heat off the Muslim peados?

Are these white suspects in actual fact Muslim converts?

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Stats and conclusions mafya...


It's no different wherever the thickos pluck them from, or on whatever topic.


I think I once heard that 99.9% of football related violence was related to football... so that obviously means 99.9% of football fans are violent, damn :)


I notice this article which was written by the Star, so I give it 89% non-attention... however it said 3% were female, but didn't mention their ethnicity. That seems odd :confused: Surely if those 3% were ALL white, then all white women are paedophiles? Why can't I get this info from the Star?!

Edited by *_ash_*
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Which report do we believe?


I really don't wish to send this debate in the direction some would like it to go but consider this.


Asian population of Rotherham 3.47% [LINK]


From your own link "24 per cent – are of Asian origin".


That's proportionally 6x more incidents of Asian abusers than you would reasonably expect.


Considering that the white population of Rotherham is 92.6 % (see link above) and "68 per cent of identified suspects are white" (i.e. less than the overall percentage of whites in Rotherham), it does raise questions as to why the percentage of Asian abusers (relative to the size of the Asian population) is so high.

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It is indeed very worrying that such a high proportion of Asians are child abusers.

Thanks for the link pointing it out. I'm surprised at you, you usually post stuff that defends Asians at all costs not posts which condemn them. Great stuff. You're becoming more balanced.

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I like stats but they can , and are, misused by almost everyone to spin things to fit their opinions.


If there are 100 offences and 5 Blue people are responsible for 80 of them and 10 Purple people are responsible for the rest the %'s can be produce in a number of ways. Both the below are true.

1. 66% of the offenders are Purple

2. 80% of the offences are committed by Blue people.


Then throw in the fact that some are 'suspects'. Most of the suspects may be Purple.

Then suggest that some of the Blue's are converted from Purple (thank-you Mafya. Is this relevant?)


Then you are in a position to totally misrepresent the situation with 'true' figures.


From The Star report - "Her inquiry found that at least 1,400 children in the town had been victims of abuse between 1997 and 2013."

This is just plain wrong. 1,400 is an estimate and the majority of victims have never been identified.


Its not a question of one or the other.

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A new report claims 68% of child exploitation suspects identified are white = http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/local/majority-of-rotherham-child-exploitation-suspects-are-white-claims-new-report-1-7392637

Will the EDL be protesting about this and will the posters on SF who were expressing hatred after the Jay report was released also be reacting the same way to this report or will they somehow claim it's wrong?

Which report do we believe?

Have the Muslims forced them to release this report in an attempt to take the heat off the Muslim peados?

Are these white suspects in actual fact Muslim converts?


National Crime Agency says it has identified 300 potential suspects from more than 3,000 lines of inquiry in investigation into alleged sexual abuse suffered by girls in the town between 1997 and 2013, Investigators said the majority of suspects appeared to be of Asian appearance.


Or should we believe Public Health Rotherham whom only looked at the past two years.


I think the National Crime Agency is more likley to be correct.

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National Crime Agency says it has identified 300 potential suspects from more than 3,000 lines of inquiry in investigation into alleged sexual abuse suffered by girls in the town between 1997 and 2013, Investigators said the majority of suspects appeared to be of Asian appearance.


Or should we believe Public Health Rotherham whom only looked at the past two years.


I think the National Crime Agency is more likley to be correct.


Both could be correct.

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When it comes down to the crunch it does not matter what race they are they are STILL perverted peadophiles and as such should have thier genitalia ripped off without the use of an anesthetic


I know, thank you for the voice of reason :)

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I find it very had to trust any information coming out of Rotherham council personally.

In this case a very limited 'report' with no real point to it.


It's a pity these idiots aren't out there trying to help the kids they have failed so badly, instead of sat on their fat arses making stupid pointless documents to send to the press.

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