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Majority of Rotherham child exploitation suspects are white!

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I'm afraid simple logic doesn't work like that, however much you'd like it to :)


Either your math is supported by fact (failing that, at least some independent research showing an exponential relevant demographic growth in the UK), or it's unsupported speculation.


Your 12,600-odd paedo extrapolation for a doubling of the population is unsupported speculation. It's fabricated to support (ho-hum) your divisive rethoric. But keep on hating, the more you lot post out of your nether regions, the clearer your agenda is to all posters and readers :thumbsup:


You should look at the links I posted, they will help you to understand exponential growth.

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Interesting that you describe your wife as English in reference to her ethnicity - implying that English and white are one and the same. So does that mean that you believe anyone who isn't white can't be English? And as you used the term to differentiate between her ethnicity and yours, are we to assume from that that as a Muslim, you don't consider yourself English?


I class White people with generational links to England as English= https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_the_United_Kingdom

I would never be accepted as English, British yes but not English.


---------- Post added 08-08-2015 at 14:52 ----------


Once you resort to insults you are pretty much admitting you've lost the argument. Everyone (except for halibut of course) knew that already.


You made out it was a spelling mistake on your part and I linked to a previous thread where you did it before, you spell Muslim wrong in typical right winger style when even young children of school age know the correct spelling.

I haven't lost no argument as I posted up a link about a report saying most of the abuse suspects were white as it is made out like it's a Muslim only problem in Rotherham.


---------- Post added 08-08-2015 at 15:01 ----------


My dad's Egyptian, and he often hears many of the people he knows refer to white people as "English" and it makes him cringe since he now thinks of himself as English.


What do others refer to him as though?

English, British Egyption, immigrant?

It is about what others see you as regardless of what you consider yourself = https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_the_United_Kingdom

Edited by mafya
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What do others refer to him as though?

English, British Egyption, immigrant?

It is about what others see you as regardless of what you consider yourself = https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_the_United_Kingdom


Really? So it's about how others see you now is it? Bit of double standards there, considering the long list of words we quite correctly refrain from using to identify people because they find it offensive.


For the record, as a white mixed race person I find it a bit offensive to be referred to as "English" by a non-white English person.

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I class White people with generational links to England as English= https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_the_United_Kingdom

I would never be accepted as English, British yes but not English.


---------- Post added 08-08-2015 at 14:52 ----------



You made out it was a spelling mistake on your part and I linked to a previous thread where you did it before, you spell Muslim wrong in typical right winger style when even young children of school age know the correct spelling.

I haven't lost no argument as I posted up a link about a report saying most of the abuse suspects were white as it is made out like it's a Muslim only problem in Rotherham.


---------- Post added 08-08-2015 at 15:01 ----------



What do others refer to him as though?

English, British Egyption, immigrant?

It is about what others see you as regardless of what you consider yourself = https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_the_United_Kingdom


Well my old bean, you've contradicted yourself in one post there. First you say you will never be accepted as English (the upshot of this unfounded assertion being I suppose that you don't consider yourself as English) but finish by saying its how you see yourself that matters.

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What the hell is this? Why does Mafya have to answer to you guys about offhand comments he's made?


Going on about spelling mistakes and picking him up on describing his wife as 'English'. This is bullying, because he's an outspoken Muslim on this forum.

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What the hell is this? Why does Mafya have to answer to you guys about offhand comments he's made?


Going on about spelling mistakes and picking him up on describing his wife as 'English'. This is bullying, because he's an outspoken Muslim on this forum.


He started a thread with ethnicity right at the forefront.


If it were the other way around and a poster referred to a person of asian appearance as muslim without knowing if he or she was muslim or not not, they would be jumped on straight away by the usual suspects on 'ere and be branded a racist.


Or is this the usual double standards we've come to expect from SF these days?

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He started a thread with ethnicity right at the forefront.


If it were the other way around and a poster referred to a person of asian appearance as muslim without knowing if he or she was muslim or not not, they would be jumped on straight away by the usual suspects on 'ere and be branded a racist.


Or is this the usual double standards we've come to expect from SF these days?


Double standards? On the thread where everyone who doesn't like Mafya are suddenly fully signed up members of the PC brigade?



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Got to agree with Flaming Jimmy.


While I don't like his posts/opinions Mafya is being crucified for his turn of phrase rather than daft ideas.


i thought it was because of his racist views.


---------- Post added 08-08-2015 at 19:21 ----------


He started a thread with ethnicity right at the forefront.


If it were the other way around and a poster referred to a person of asian appearance as muslim without knowing if he or she was muslim or not not, they would be jumped on straight away by the usual suspects on 'ere and be branded a racist.


Or is this the usual double standards we've come to expect from SF these days?


you have it in one

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