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Majority of Rotherham child exploitation suspects are white!

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That appears to agree with what I've just been reading.


I find it odd though that in the situation you describe your children would have a different ethnicity to you.


I think Eater Sundae post below yours answers this, I suppose it depends if my children embrace the Nigerian culture or try to create a British culture within Nigeria.

Having said that I just looked up the ethnic groups in South Africa and White is described as an ethnic group. :confused:


All very confusing so I think I will give it a rest. :)

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Many times the guidance to the ethnicity question is some political correct garbage like:-


Which group do you wish to be identified as


Which group do you wish to be known as as


That American woman who was fighting for equal rights was brutally exposed, vilified and rejected by the group which she wanted to fight for. I guess it was a career choice. Just like going for the vegetarian option in a restaurant because they have created 'special dishes' for you or going for the wheel-chair option at Disneyland because its a queue jumper option.


I love the line - If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck - Its a duck!

AND if it don't, it ain't.

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Many times the guidance to the ethnicity question is some political correct garbage like:-


Which group do you wish to be identified as


Which group do you wish to be known as as


That American woman who was fighting for equal rights was brutally exposed, vilified and rejected by the group which she wanted to fight for. I guess it was a career choice. Just like going for the vegetarian option in a restaurant because they have created 'special dishes' for you or going for the wheel-chair option at Disneyland because its a queue jumper option.


I love the line - If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck - Its a duck!

AND if it don't, it ain't.


What if looks like a duck but doesn't sound like a duck? Eider Ducks make a lovely noise but could never be described as a quack!

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My understanding is that English is a race/ethnicity and if it was a nationality then why do we get British nationality on our passports instead of English nationality?

Have a read of this and then maybe you and others may understand why I think that= https://www.opendemocracy.net/ourkingdom/david-rickard/if-youre-english-youre-white-thats-according-to-national-census

Why is there never an English Asian ethnicity tick box on official surveys then clever clogs?

Also don't call me a racist behind a keyboard you little twerp, I genuinely believe English is used to describe white decendents of people who were indigenous to this country

I could also be insulting and quite frankly I've had enough of you and others here getting on my case and saying I'm a racist when I'm not. :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 09-08-2015 at 23:28 ----------



Indeginious white people is the term I should have used instead of multi generational white people.



Calm down dear! You can't expect to say black/Brown people can never be English and not be called racist. Don't confuse nationality with race.

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I'm afraid simple logic doesn't work like that, however much you'd like it to :)


Either your math is supported by fact (failing that, at least some independent research showing an exponential relevant demographic growth in the UK), or it's unsupported speculation.


Your 12,600-odd paedo extrapolation for a doubling of the population is unsupported speculation.


The human population as already grown exponentially and there is no reason to assume that it won't continue growing exponentially into the future.

Its speculation based on the available evidence, and any counter argument that you present will also be just speculation, because neither of us can know the future. You cann't know that the UK won't become Islamic with all the negative consequences, and I can't know that it will, but we can both speculate and base our opinions on that speculation. So how many of the worlds Islamic countries would you choose to live in?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I honestly couldn't care less what colour they are. They are all vile and I for one would like all convicted sexual predators castrated.


These types of scum will never change - So in the interests of safety we should "cut out" their depraved feelings of sexual fantasies.


I'm damn sure they'd be countless mothers who'd do the castrating for free!!

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Well the local news certainly supports the claims being made doesn't it???




Basharat Hussain of no fixed abode, was arrested at Manchester Airport by South Yorkshire Police as part of an investigation into allegations of child sexual exploitation in Rotherham.


Mr Hussain was arrested on suspicion of gross indecency towards a child, inciting a child to commit gross indecency, procuring a female to have sex with a man, indecent assault, rape, false imprisonment and procuring a female to become a prostitute.

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