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Majority of Rotherham child exploitation suspects are white!

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I really don't wish to send this debate in the direction some would like it to go but consider this.


Asian population of Rotherham 3.47% [LINK]


From your own link "24 per cent – are of Asian origin".


That's proportionally 6x more incidents of Asian abusers than you would reasonably expect.


Considering that the white population of Rotherham is 92.6 % (see link above) and "68 per cent of identified suspects are white" (i.e. less than the overall percentage of whites in Rotherham), it does raise questions as to why the percentage of Asian abusers (relative to the size of the Asian population) is so high.


Its more than 6x,when you consider women and children are in that equation too.

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When it comes down to the crunch it does not matter what race they are they are STILL perverted peadophiles and as such should have thier genitalia ripped off without the use of an anesthetic


I know, thank you for the voice of reason :)


I dont know if its a case of my narrow waist and my broad mind changing places, now I am getting old(er), but I am more and more coming to think that if there is incontrovertible proof, that the perpetrators of such crimes should have this rough justice meted out to them on conviction.

That scares me that I should think like this, as I do think that a punishment like the Dp is, generally, wrong.

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A new report claims 68% of child exploitation suspects identified are white = http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/local/majority-of-rotherham-child-exploitation-suspects-are-white-claims-new-report-1-7392637

Will the EDL be protesting about this and will the posters on SF who were expressing hatred after the Jay report was released also be reacting the same way to this report or will they somehow claim it's wrong?

Which report do we believe?

Have the Muslims forced them to release this report in an attempt to take the heat off the Muslim peados?

Are these white suspects in actual fact Muslim converts?


To be honest I dont really think the colour of a persons skin is relevent. They are disgusting excuses for human beings. Why are they mentioning the colour of a persons skin in a report in relation to this unspeakable crime?

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A new report claims 68% of child exploitation suspects identified are white = http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/local/majority-of-rotherham-child-exploitation-suspects-are-white-claims-new-report-1-7392637

Will the EDL be protesting about this and will the posters on SF who were expressing hatred after the Jay report was released also be reacting the same way to this report or will they somehow claim it's wrong?

Which report do we believe?

Have the Muslims forced them to release this report in an attempt to take the heat off the Muslim peados?

Are these white suspects in actual fact Muslim converts?


Are there any figures out regarding race percentages for those actually convicted in a court of law for recent well documented child exploitation in Rotherham ?

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Are there any figures out regarding race percentages for those actually convicted in a court of law for recent well documented child exploitation in Rotherham ?


I believe that there's only been about three cases brought to court so far, and that only one of these has ended, though this did, I understand, result in a guilty verdict.

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To be honest I dont really think the colour of a persons skin is relevent. They are disgusting excuses for human beings. Why are they mentioning the colour of a persons skin in a report in relation to this unspeakable crime?

funny when it was ALL asians, it mattered then


amazing how now its all about stats and how they can be changed, fiddled, viewed anyway you want


none of that mattered when it was seen as only an asian thing :roll:


as has been said, sex criminals are sex criminals and the lowest of the low whether white, english, asian, muslim, christian, catholic, male , female

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funny when it was ALL asians, it mattered then


amazing how now its all about stats and how they can be changed, fiddled, viewed anyway you want


none of that mattered when it was seen as only an asian thing :roll:


as has been said, sex criminals are sex criminals and the lowest of the low whether white, english, asian, muslim, christian, catholic, male , female


Sex criminals aren't the lowest of the low - which is worse someone indecently assaulting your daughter or someone murdering her? Murderers are worse. Thankfully the law thinks so too.

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Of course it is relevent. If it wasn't for mass immigration they wouldn't be here in the first place! Children have been raped and murdered as a direct result of this government policy. Anyone in favour of it has to accept that. Is it an "acceptable cost" so that the posh lefties can get their cheap nannies and builders?

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Also - a fifteen year old boy voluntarily has sex with 25 year old woman - the woman is a sex criminal. A 50 year old man has sex with a 16 year old girl - no sex offence has taken place.

You tell me which is worse?


Was the 16 year old girl "voluntary" (ie, consenting)?

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