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Understanding Israel .. ??

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I am beginning, I think, to understand Israel after reading several articles from various sources … here, though, I’ll only bring what caught my eyes from the BBC


“ Obama is pushing to seal the Iran nuclear deal, accusing opponents of "selling a fantasy"…. he said the agreement is publicly supported by every country in the world, except for Israel.

He equated those who oppose the deal with the supporters of the American invasion of Iraq.


Does the above in your opinion give a clear idea about Israel or help in understanding the politics?

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Views publicly are deceptive, it's the views held behind closed doors that are more meaningful.


Be it a respectable man/woman that beats on his wife or partner but portrays a nice person image or that of a country leader that condemns others, whilst committing worldwide atrocities in the name of their religion or country. Russia, U.K, U.S.A, Zimbabwe there is a list that goes on and on all religions and countries are or have been barbaric towards others and will continue to do so until we have consumed the planet.


For Obama to single out Israel is pathetic, it's the whole world that is F-up.


If everyone is in such agreement and best buddies why the hell is there so much conflict? Wars, terrorism, crime, poverty etc it can't all be the Israeli fault.


Israel is no better or worse that any country before them, On that happy note time for a brew.

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In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3]

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I am beginning, I think, to understand Israel after reading several articles from various sources … here, though, I’ll only bring what caught my eyes from the BBC


“ Obama is pushing to seal the Iran nuclear deal, accusing opponents of "selling a fantasy"…. he said the agreement is publicly supported by every country in the world, except for Israel.

He equated those who oppose the deal with the supporters of the American invasion of Iraq.


Does the above in your opinion give a clear idea about Israel or help in understanding the politics?


Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, along with Israel, don't support it so Obama is wrong.

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I was amazed Obama did appear to single out Israel as the only country to oppose the Iran deal because he knows as well as anyone that this is simply not true. The Arabs not allied with Iran, in other words just about everybody except for the Syrian government and Hezbullah and in particular the Saudis and Egypt, also opposed it. The Turks ended up endorsing it, but only very reluctantly. I just don't know why he appears to have said this. Maybe he is rattled, and that yes the House and Senate might end up scuppering the deal after all, which a couple of weeks ago I thought next to impossible.

Edited by blake
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In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3]


Yep. And a right royal pain in the ar*e to boot. I wish EJ would disappear and take his/her views with :mad:

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well there is a big lobbying battle going on on Capitol Hill for sure, and it is not so often you see both the Jewish and Arab lobbies batting on the same side. Between them, they might surprise Obama. But I think that the deal will just squeeze through.

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well there is a big lobbying battle going on on Capitol Hill for sure, and it is not so often you see both the Jewish and Arab lobbies batting on the same side. Between them, they might surprise Obama. But I think that the deal will just squeeze through.


I thought the deal was guaranteed as Obams has said he would boycott any any other outcome.

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the way it works is like this : first Congress has to pass a measure condemning the deal, which Republican majorities in both the House and Senate will certainly do. Obama as president then vetoes this, which he will certainly do too. Then Congress, if they want to override the veto, will require a two-thirds majority in both chambers, which they won't muster. The Republicans might have a majority in both chambers at the moment, but even with Democratic votes on top, they still don't have big enough majorities to carry it off, veto the veto, and totally humiliate the president.

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I am beginning, I think, to understand Israel after reading several articles from various sources … here, though, I’ll only bring what caught my eyes from the BBC


“ Obama is pushing to seal the Iran nuclear deal, accusing opponents of "selling a fantasy"…. he said the agreement is publicly supported by every country in the world, except for Israel.

He equated those who oppose the deal with the supporters of the American invasion of Iraq.


Does the above in your opinion give a clear idea about Israel or help in understanding the politics?


Very simply -- NO!

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