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Understanding Israel .. ??

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The news as I read it was an Israeli minister publicly admitting that the Israelis were behind previous assassinations, itself an extraordinary and I'm sure some Israelis would think, a totally unnecessary admission.


The Israeli attitude is that they are just defending themselves like they were when they assassinated scientists recruited for Nasser's advanced weapons programs in the 1960s.

Edited by blake
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I notice in the news today that Israel have stated that they will be resuming the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists.


Is that not a war crime?


why are the israeli government unwilling to compromise on anything? Iran's nuclear ambitions are over, which is something to celebrate.


Bibi has gotten his way. Again.


perhaps that's why Obama can't stand Bibi, who points the finger at Iran while remaining silent about his own nuclear arsenal.

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Except the Israelis and not only the Israelis, but most of the Arabs as well, don't think Iranian nuclear ambitions are over at all. They think that Iran had a bit of a diplomatic triumph, managed to bamboozle Obama and all the the rest of the western leaders, and that they, Israel and the Sunni Arabs, Iran's enemies, are no more safer than before.

Edited by blake
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why are the israeli government unwilling to compromise on anything? Iran's nuclear ambitions are over, which is something to celebrate.


Bibi has gotten his way. Again.


perhaps that's why Obama can't stand Bibi, who points the finger at Iran while remaining silent about his own nuclear arsenal.


What nuclear arsenal..;)

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Except the Israelis and not only the Israelis, but most of the Arabs as well, don't think Iranian nuclear ambitions are over at all. They think that Iran had a bit of a diplomatic triumph, managed to bamboozle Obama and all the the rest of the western leaders, and that they, Israel and the Sunni Arabs, Iran's enemies, are no more safer than before.


Iran has agreed to inspections of her nuclear sites at any time and if the Iranians do not allow the inspectors in, the Iranians will be subject to crippling sanctions.


Europe's leaders were pleased with this result, because we Europeans understand that sometimes compromises have to be made as part of international diplomacy (something that Bibi hasn't grasped yet).


Please tell Bibi to stop stamping his feet like a petulant child and waving his finger at the Europeans, Obama, and the Iranians.


It really is a cringeworthy spectacle to watch.

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Iran has agreed to inspections of her nuclear sites at any time


oh no they haven't and that is one of the Israelis and the Arabs biggest complaints about the deal. The Iranians have to be given a minimum of 24 DAYS notice of any inspection in advance.


and if I were you I would not, like Obama seems to have done, focus on the Israelis as being the only ones who think that the Iranians took the western powers to the cleaners with this deal. Almost all the Arabs do too.

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oh no they haven't and that is one of the Israelis and the Arabs biggest complaints about the deal. The Iranians have to be given a minimum of 24 DAYS notice of any inspection in advance.


unless enriched uranium has a half-life of 24 days or less, the Iranians will be caught, and the sanctions will automatically be reinstated.


This deal is a good compromise which allows both sides to keep face.


Warmer relations with Iran might further isolate Syria, Russia and China from their interference and is a good first step towards a nuclear free middle east.

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oh come on. Things can easily 'disappear' in 24 days - even enriched uranium. The Iranians are the only ones really cheering this deal. Nobody else is, least of all their neighbours be they Saudi, the UAE or Israel, who are the most directly threatened by Iran's nuclear ambitions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's more of understanding Israel written by Roger Waters in Haaretz.


He seems to have finally seen what this murderous government stands for and how apartheid does indeed fit today's Israel.


Not after terrorists firebombed a West Bank Palestinian home, annihilating a family, murdering an 18-month-old boy and his father, burning his mother over 90 percent of her body - only to have Israel's government rule the family ineligible for the financial support and compensation automatically granted Israeli victims of terrorism, settlers included


I can't pretend anymore. Not after Israel's Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, explicitly declaring stone-throwing to be terrorism, drove the passage of a bill holding stone-throwers liable to up to 20 years in prison.



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