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Kids Company charity

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I worked with a girl in London years ago who became one of my best friends. She used to work at Kids Company in Peckham I think it was in her spare time, we used to argue like cat and dogs about politics.


She was the leftist person I've ever met, but we had the brains to not let it affect our friendship.


Some of the stories she used to tell me about Ms Batman would make your toes curl, she probably did want to help but make no mistake, she wasn't the angel she liked to portrait, not by a long shot.



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Here you go, an update on the story from The Guardian todayThe hidden life of Camila Batmanghelidjh: why was her exoneration so widely ignored?

It seems to provide a balanced coverage of the sad tale, much of which appears linked to Tory austerity measures, and their party infighting.
I always felt that the real hidden story was that those who wished to attack Cameron, used her association with him as a proxy; attack her, and by association, attack him.
They couldn't give a toss about the future kids lives who would be affected by the loss of support by Kids Company, so long as the story could be weaponised for their personal agenda(s).

One of the earliest casualties of the austerity measures was children's/families social/mental health services, some of which has led us to where we are now, with young peoples involvement in crime, particularly violent crime, starting to spiral out of control.
Cuts to the police and criminal justice system have further compounded the issues.

Edited by peak4
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