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Kids Company charity

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It obviously deserves an inquiry becayse its become so high profile.


Would be interesting to find out if it was foinf activities hat should have been done by government. How a London/ Bristol chairty was able to consume so much of the pot without proper competitive tendering.


Why they were allowed to get away without full acounts repeatedly.

What undue influence ministers imposed on championing its cause to the detriment of other charities.


If they find enough then there should be prosecutions as well as fines for the people who ran the charity. Lot of lessons to learn as its done a lot of damage to the charity sector. Similarly if a lot of the accusations are false and media hype then a proper inquiry can establish that.

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It now transpires that the charity received at least £46m of public money over the years.




Public money, whether from the Government or a local Council should not be given to prop up charities. If they cant survive on public donations then then should not be in a charitable business.


It seems that this 'Kids Company' demanded Government money (Tax Payers) to prop it up at least six times over recent years and leaked information to the media to help receive the money .


I can understand the Government giving grants to charities which are doing good work such as Barnardo's which has received less than half what Kids Company has received from the Government during the last two years despite being the UK's leading children's charity .


---------- Post added 30-10-2015 at 09:00 ----------


On the Times on line website some wag has posted, in effect, you can't sweep this under the carpet because she's wearing the carpet !


It's a shame there isn't a magic carpet to fly this crook back to her native Persia.

Edited by Gamston
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