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Chuggers in town today

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I work in town and pop out for a sandwich at lunchtime, and it's like a slalom course trying to avoid these herberts. The whole thing is out of control. Anything from pandas in Botswana to Big Issue sellers near Orchard Square. Sick and tired of them all. I'd ban all professional charities and just stick 1p on Income Tax, and call it charity tax.

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They are a real pain these people and town would be much better without them.


They are using high pressure sales techniques and often prey on the vulnerable,the only difference being (some) of the money they take goes to charity.


Have to say I rarely see them approach people sat down though if they did that to me when I was eating lunch it would be a very short conversation.


No coincidence Meadowhall banned them.


Meadowhall just replaced them with Soap & Co, Pretzels, Sky tv, AA, more sky tv, Lyca mobile, RAC, Forces Lottery, Macmillan......

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Theres probably a reason why but if they approach me and i'm having a bad day I tell them that they are breaking the law approaching me to solicit money and are in breach of the Vagracy Act of 1824 and if they continue i'll have them arrested. They soon stop. No doubt they think i'm a cockwomble but I don't particularly care



Good idea. Like that one.

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The council must be giving them permission to do this however (you need permission to do anything in the city centre) perhaps raising this with them might help.


The Council operate a voluntary scheme which limits the number of charities collecting in town to I believe 5 per day.


The Council have no actual legal powers to limit the numbers of these organisations, so the voluntary scheme is the only way they can do anything.

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The Council operate a voluntary scheme which limits the number of charities collecting in town to I believe 5 per day.


The Council have no actual legal powers to limit the numbers of these organisations, so the voluntary scheme is the only way they can do anything.


You are always precise in your wording ... "limit the numbers".

Do the Council not have the right to refuse permission for chuggers to collect/operate?


I'm sure I read of at least one other Council getting rid of them.




....... A quick search shows that these 'bans' were voluntary agreements as well:




The agreement between Sheffield (and other councils) and the PFRA can be seen here:


Edited by cgksheff
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You seriously need to develop some coping strategies if chuggers are making you feel miserable.


The problem you have though is the sheer numbers of them. Take a typical trip down town. You have the God squad with their banners near McDonalds along with the Jehovas Witnesses then you walk down and you have the Islam and SWP stalls. So that combined with the normal footfall means add chuggers into the mix and you cannot avoid them. I dont mind all the other groups mentioned as at least they dont hassle you.


If I wanted to donate to charity I would and I do. I shouldnt have to feel pressured into avoiding someone on 8 pound an hour to hassle people.

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