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Chuggers in town today

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The Council operate a voluntary scheme which limits the number of charities collecting in town to I believe 5 per day.


The Council have no actual legal powers to limit the numbers of these organisations, so the voluntary scheme is the only way they can do anything.


Wow, only five a day. There was a time when flag days could only be held on a Saturday.

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Perhaps it would be better if they all gave up their jobs and went on the dole instead. Or maybe you could just say "Not just now thanks" Or if you are a rude and ignorant type,just ignore them.


Not just now aint going to cut it if you are a regular in town. They'll just cop ya time and time again. Maybe the dole is the best place for them if they cant find a job that doesn't include harassing everyone.

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I don't understand why the lengthy debate on this,I just quietly tell them to 'go away' but in not so polite wording. It usually works for me,they don't expect this from a 66 yr old Grannie.


Because for you it works however for the rest of us it doesnt. They are a huge number. They are paid about £8 per hour and commission to hassle people. Not only that these charities instead of spending money on what they should they are spending money on these parasites.


You cannot escape them hassling you. We need to ban them from the town centre. If people want to sign up for charity there are plenty of ways to do it.

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I always ask them who they are employed by , if they say the actual charity, i say liar!, no you are not!


Some of them do. I work for a charity (not as a fundraiser incidentally) and we employ our street fundraisers directly and not through an agency.


I still pretend I am on the phone when I walk down the high street or the moor though, just so I don't have to do the no thank you dance.

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'New' rules came in during 2012 about Chuggers which states that they're not allowed to follow you more than 3 paces amongst other things else their companies face fines. The trouble is that the general public don't go about reporting issues so the fines aren't levied as much as they should be and the problems persist.

Charity fundraisers subject to new rules - BBC news website

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It's not just the chuggers on the street. I'm fed up with people packing my shopping in supermarkets, hassling me in Decathalon and in M and S.

I once volunteered to collect for the RNLI as was instructed to stand quietly, NOT to jiggle my collection can or approach anybody (could put people off as it was rude etc). Wish every other charity could conduct themselves like this.

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