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Chuggers in town today

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the chuggers that knock on my door always try the usual tactic of "most of your neighbours are donating" i don't really care whether my neighbours are donating or not but it isn't going to make me set up a direct debit!:suspect:


They tried that with me....."Some of your neighbours are getting together to raise funds for Cancer research" etc etc


When that didn't work they pointed out the RSPB sticker on my window and asked if I thought birds were more important than people.


Door was promptly shut.

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I work in Sheffield centre and walk down the moor most days.


Never had a problem with chuggers. Just smile and say no thanks, and carry on walking....


But it is a problem. Oxfam were out in force yesterday & on Thursday, uniformed & identifiable, actually waving their arms in the faces of those of us who tried to avoid them. And they zig-zag across the street to try to intercept you.


The Moor's busier now than the press might have you believe, & I think I've got the right to walk down to college without ducking & diving. Nobody was rude to me, but it felt unpleasantly intrusive. The Big Issue sellers are well schooled in how they should behave, & I don't see how Oxfam - of all people - get away with bending the rules so blatantly.

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Do you honestly think the police will look heartless for moving these companies off. No course not. If it was the collection bucket people then yes.


I don't and couldn't care less how the coppers treat them.


People can be whipped into a frenzy by the media or on-line sites. Look at the media coverage of the migrant 'crisis' on the continent.

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They tried that with me....."Some of your neighbours are getting together to raise funds for Cancer research" etc etc


When that didn't work they pointed out the RSPB sticker on my window and asked if I thought birds were more important than people.


Door was promptly shut.


:hihi: I reckon they had a point though didn't they?


In the past 6 weeks we've had at least 5 different charities knock the door. I can't remember them all now, but Barnado's were one, Red Cross were another, St Luke's were another...


The thing is, I am happy to give them some money. I offered all of them a donation there and then on the spot - but they wouldn't take it. They only want you to set up a Direct Debit for regular monthly payments.


I challenged the guy from Barnado's about this. He said, "it doesn't help us plan ahead just to take a small donation now".


Of course, what they want is for you to sign up and then they will pester you for evermore, trying to get you to increase your monthly contributions.


I think all of the charities that have knocked my door in recent weeks are worthy causes - but it's not possible to engage with them all by setting up Direct Debits - charity, I'm afraid, begins at home. And if I want to give to a charity then I'll choose one, not it choose me.

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In the past 6 weeks we've had at least 5 different charities knock the door. I can't remember them all now, but Barnado's were one, Red Cross were another, St Luke's were another...



that's because when people are stopped by them in town they say "I'm too busy to talk at the minute, but if one of your chaps wants to pop round tonight I'll set a DD up" and then gives them your address.

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