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The largest flying ant ever found in Sheffield?

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Some people see a map of Rotherham, some see a butterfly, most see a 2" flying ant - the 'witch' thing is a new one on me.


The WPM(Weston Park) Museum(M) have offered to buy the ant from me, but I have it preserved in a jar of white wine vinegar. I intend to display it in my forthcoming Crisp Sandwich Shop. I think the record breaking ant will draw people in.


Well something will have to.

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It's not over yet! Think I might stay here. It sounds too noisy over there!


I don't blame you. I wouldn't say it's noisy over here - just a bit humid, not comfortable in the evenings.


The amount of people that have contacted me since my friend announced the record breaking flying ant on the BBC is truly staggering. Best so far has to be Lionel Richie. Stunning.

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It's not over yet! Think I might stay here. It sounds too noisy over there!

Bad news for you Mr.Teeth … despite your earlier claim, there are no wasps in France.

There's something that looks remarkably similar though called a guêpe, the main difference being that the guêpe flies on the right hand side of the sky so far as I can discern.

(at least you've got Wi-Fi in France … unlike me in Wales)

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Bad news for you Mr.Teeth … despite your earlier claim, there are no wasps in France.

There's something that looks remarkably similar though called a guêpe, the main difference being that the guêpe flies on the right hand side of the sky so far as I can discern.

(at least you've got Wi-Fi in France … unlike me in Wales)


That then explains why I got a wasp in my helmet. I was riding on the right so the wasp/gueppe must have been on the left side of the sky and so,most likely,a hoiday-making British wasp that ended up not needing the return portion of his ticket on the Eurostar.

There may not be wasps here and gueppes are quite common but there is also a monstrous creature in these parts known locally as a Fulon (it may have a little hat over the u or the o I don't know but my keyboard won't do that) This is a spiteful creature,over 2" (or 50mm as we are on the continent) long that looks exactly like a wasp/gueppe.

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That then explains why I got a wasp in my helmet. I was riding on the right so the wasp/gueppe must have been on the left side of the sky and so,most likely,a hoiday-making British wasp that ended up not needing the return portion of his ticket on the Eurostar.

There may not be wasps here and gueppes are quite common but there is also a monstrous creature in these parts known locally as a Fulon (it may have a little hat over the u or the o I don't know but my keyboard won't do that) This is a spiteful creature,over 2" (or 50mm as we are on the continent) long that looks exactly like a wasp/gueppe.


No mention of Fulon in my English version of google, so it's either very rare, or, rarer still … it doesn't exist.

As the thread's 'largest flying ant ever found in Sheffield' doesn't appear to exist either, they must logically be one and the same!

You appear to have solved the thread … your trip to France hasn't been a complete wast of time after all! :thumbsup::partyhat:

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That then explains why I got a wasp in my helmet. I was riding on the right so the wasp/gueppe must have been on the left side of the sky and so,most likely,a hoiday-making British wasp that ended up not needing the return portion of his ticket on the Eurostar.

There may not be wasps here and gueppes are quite common but there is also a monstrous creature in these parts known locally as a Fulon (it may have a little hat over the u or the o I don't know but my keyboard won't do that) This is a spiteful creature,over 2" (or 50mm as we are on the continent) long that looks exactly like a wasp/gueppe.


:hihi::hihi: brilliantly funny.


Back to the ant - a guy from Ilfracombe (Devon, I think?), has asked to purchase the ant in its new white wine vinegar home. He has offered a considerable amount of money.


Would it mean that the new world record would then be attributed to Devon? Should I sell out?

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