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You Can't Trust Anyone These Days..

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Who can we trust? I'm running out of ideas... It seems we can't trust the police to tell the truth, or politicians, or the media and now even public bodies...


I've been helping someone with a ESA tribunal appeal which they won, rightly..


They were waiting 10 weeks for their ESA to be reinstated. They have phoned numerous times and were always told that the court hadn't sent the decision yet. Fair enough we thought, it will take time. Then we phoned them one more time and was told it hadn't been received...


I phoned the court myself and was told that the outcome of all appeals is emailed the following day and ESA have an internal process to chase decisions up if this email isn't received. This should be in the first week.


So what are they playing at I asked...?


I was shocked to be told by a court official that basically they're lying its a delaying tactic they use to slow down the claims being processed.. because they are behind...


Another supposed respectable public body lying for their own ends..


You couldn't make it up...

Edited by MikeFrank
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Shocking, but is anyone surprised by anything anymore!


This is just more corruption really, stemming from a corrupt government, who seem to think it's OK to lie their way out of everything, and then use their dubious figures to justify it.


I take it Mike that this is the first time you've personally come up against this sort of fiddling. Trust me, it is now endemic, and it starts right at the top. And worst of all, it's usually at the expense of the most vulnerable in our society.

Edited by Anna B
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I caught the hb department out a few years ago. Some of their staff were using friends who worked in banks to check out claimants accounts. Of course they all denied it..


If they were/still are - report it to the fraud line. It really isn't tolerated in the Department.

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Check out claimants accounts for what?


To see if they had any income they weren't declaring etc...


---------- Post added 07-08-2015 at 21:11 ----------


If they were/still are - report it to the fraud line. It really isn't tolerated in the Department.


I think it was a different company back then... if I remember rightly they lost the contract anyway..

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You can trust teachers and doctors.


No you can't. You should be able to. Parents and patients are mostly in a position where they have to trust doctors and teachers but it's a tad dangerous to just stick to a default setting of "trust teachers and doctors".


There are an awful lot of Harold shipmans former patients who wish they hadn't.

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Sadly, I think what the Original Poster says is true and we can't really trust anyone nowadays . In my experience I have found those working in the legal profession to be the most dishonest bunch of people .


I still think I can trust the wife .

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Sadly, I think what the Original Poster says is true and we can't really trust anyone nowadays . In my experience I have found those working in the legal profession to be the most dishonest bunch of people .


I still think I can trust the wife .


Why would that be? You cannot tar an entire profession on the basis of a few individuals.


If you are referring the contents of the OP, then I would take some of it with a pinch of salt. Firstly having dealt with the shambles that is the Court Service daily in my job, I would be very surprised if the Court turn round anything in 24 hours. It can be days or weeks before Orders are despatched post decision. Secondly, unless you have the most blatant court clerk in the world, I just cannot believe that an Official would tell you that the DWP are deliberately lying and using it as a delaying tactic. They might indeed have received it. However, they too would have a backlog as long as your arm. The receipt of something does not necessarily mean it will be ready to be actioned.


As an example, we send things to a major court centre. We call up anything up to a month later to be told that they have "received" it but its not been put on the system yet. Another couple of weeks trundle by and we chase again and are told that "...its on the system but in the queue waiting to be PASSED to a Judge" .... on it goes again and we are then told "...its with the Judge but they have not worked on it yet" 2 weeks again and it comes back from the Judge but we get told "...its still awaiting typing and sending out" Eventually some 10, 12, 14 weeks later the document we sent has finally been dealt with and returned.


That's nothing difficult or special, just an example of a very simple routine court form which we have to send dozens of a week.


Ultimately its one incompetent and understaffed department processing appeals for another incompetent and understaffed department.


TRUST is not really the issue here and I would not personally take things as such face value.


There are bad apples across the whole of society. Fraudsters, cover ups, paedophiles, liars, cheats, deceivers, adulterers, thieves and these personality/mental or just pure evil traits can apply to a human being whether they are a benefit claimant or His Honour Lord Snooty.


Shocking as it is when its exposed, the fact that someone obtains a position of power in their life does suddenly exclude them from having or developing one of the above traits.


Its shocking and disgusting no matter who the person exposed is. It needs to be dealt with the same across the board.


If little old Barry the quiet friendly caretaker who everyone loved gets exposed as a paedophile, why is that any LESS shocking than when one of hundreds of past and present MPs is exposed as one.


Its disgusting and wrong no matter WHO you are.


BUT, and the point is, IT does not necessarily mean that you cannot trust all other caretakers. Just because SOME MPs, Judges, media tycoons have been involved in these scandals and cover ups does not mean that you cannot trust all the others.


People need to get some perspective on this.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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