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Am I wrong to think like this?

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Can we look at that the other way round for a moment? Why would you (or anyone else for that matter) wish to attack the folks in Calais for example?


Taking one statement out of context and flipping it round doesn't detract from the original point.


To answer your question though, because they are carrying knives and committing criminal offences. Personally I'd send in the water cannons.

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We are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants.


The UK, Scotland, Wales, England were not countries when my ancestors arrived here, therefor they were not immigrants, an immigrant is someone coming to live permanently in a foreign country and this was not a foreign country.


---------- Post added 08-08-2015 at 12:35 ----------


I think you'll find you're wrong, but even if you're correct, so what? Did you see anything in the OP that was racist, if so what?


I am correct and no I didn't see anything in the OP that I would consider racist, I just saw lots of incorrect statements in the OP.

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The UK, Scotland, Wales, England were not countries when my ancestors arrived here, therefor they were not immigrants, an immigrant is someone coming to live permanently in a foreign country and this was not a foreign country.


you say arrived here? from where? wouldnt that make them immigrants? Oo

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the amount of people not descended from immigrants in some way is prolly in the low %s?


Approximately 75% of white British people are the descendants of hunter gatherers that arrived here between 15,000 and 7,500 year ago, not that it matters, what matters is the here and now and England is very much already overpopulated, and I see little point in supporting increases to that overpopulation.

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Some do, yes. But ultimately it's about numbers.


To quote Michael Jackson, "it doesn't matter if you're black or white" (or Asian, Muslim, Oriental, Leprechaun or Vulcan).


A couple of examples.


Due to high demand and shortages of gas, we came very close (6 hours) to running out in 2013. [LINK]


More people, more demand.


Brown outs and black outs are projected to increase over the next 10 years [LINK]


More people, more demand.


Water supplies in the crowded (and popular) South-East are often stretched [LINK].


In 2012 the South-East was officially declared a drought area. [LINK]


More people, more demand.


Housing is in crisis and unless we start building more on our green and pleasant land there won't be enough to meet current, yet alone future demand.


More people, more demand.


It's all about the numbers. And numbers are colour blind.


This is all true. What is also true is that capitalism loves a bigger population. More people = more consumption = more profit.


And as rich men and rich corporations bankroll our politicians, don't expect any action to reduce immigration, whether legal or illegal.

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you say arrived here? from where? wouldnt that make them immigrants? Oo


I think you need to look at the definition of immigrant, moving from Yorkshire to Nottinghamshire wouldn't make someone an immigrant because they are not moving from one country to permanently settle in another country. The human population spread out long before any countries were established therefore most of the world humans are not the descendants of immigrants. But even if they were immigrants it's irrelevant, according to your idea everyone on earth is an immigrant therefor everyone should be allowed to live anywhere they like, its not a very practical idea.

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Spot on sir. What is british anyway?


If Britishness, our culture etc cannot be defined as is being claimed, then surely something that can't be defined really doesn't exist....clearly an absurd proposition, because whether you choose to recognise it or not, Britishness and a unique culture belonging to these islands does exist, and it doesn't need defining within a limited terms or scope to know that it exists.


Let's assume we don't have any unique culture. If we lack a unique culture, then where or what are we same as? Perhaps our closest neighbours, Ireland, France, Netherlands or Belgium?


Is our culture the same as Ireland, France, Netherlands or Belgium? Is it exactly the same as anywhere else?


Only the forum fools desperate to do the country down push the notion of no such thing as British culture.

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If Britishness, our culture etc cannot be defined as is being claimed, then surely something that can't be defined really doesn't exist....clearly an absurd proposition, because whether you choose to recognise it or not, Britishness and a unique culture belonging to these islands does exist, and it doesn't need defining within a limited terms or scope to know that it exists.


Let's assume we don't have any unique culture. If we lack a unique culture, then where or what are we same as? Perhaps our closest neighbours, Ireland, France, Netherlands or Belgium?


Is our culture the same as Ireland, France, Netherlands or Belgium? Is it exactly the same as anywhere else?


Only the forum fools desperate to do the country down push the notion of no such thing as British culture.


What does it mean to be british? There is not one definitive answer.


---------- Post added 08-08-2015 at 13:40 ----------


And its fluid not static. Values and culture.

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ah yes sorry, I do tend to use the terms migrant and immigrant rather interchangeably.

There is a difference between the two, but it is a dictionary/legal difference.


Can you explain to me why it would be a bad idea to let people live where they like?


I'm of the opinion that if you can justify your use of the land then the other person can move along.

But if you can't then it's not yours to deny use of to someone else.

For instance Cornwall and the justification that over 200 sq/m is titled to one family.

Without going into the common land, national park, planning debate.

However on the whole, joe blogs from Sudan or wherever wanting to live here on this island has as much right to it as I do. What with us both being human beings

I'm not saying that I'm going to donate a bedroom or help him cross the channel, because in honesty I'm not.

But on a fundamental level I believe he has as much right to be here as I do.


---------- Post added 08-08-2015 at 13:47 ----------


If Britishness, our culture etc cannot be defined as is being claimed, then surely something that can't be defined really doesn't exist...


At what point does a pile of sand become a heap or a hill?

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