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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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instead of running away from there countrys problems, to a country they like,

they should stay and help sort out there countrys problems, and help make it into a country they like,

when the italians see them crossing on there bought, they should turn them around and send them back untill they stop coming,

if they know they will get sent back each time they will stop trying and start trying in there own country,

thats my rant

I agree, the western navies have the equipment and means to intercept the boats and send them back.

The more you allow the more will come providing funds for IS Al Quaeda etc.

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I agree, the western navies have the equipment and means to intercept the boats and send them back.

The more you allow the more will come providing funds for IS Al Quaeda etc.


it did occur to me that if these folk can get aboard a truck so can someone with a bomb. how is it that we allow folks to cut locks of containers and climb in when that container is about to pass through the channel tunnel along with a several hundred civilians.

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How do you propose these people who have had their livelihood destroyed help out? Stick around and hope for the best when their lives are under threat?


Mmmm livelihoods destroyed???? paying between £1000-£2000 for passage to Europe? granted they may not realise they will be herded on to a leaky overloaded boat, but they had the money to pay for it and some have money left over.

They leave the registration camp and make their way to other countries. One interviewed by a radio 4 reporter, in the camp, bragged that he was a computer programmer and had sold everything to get to the EU because he wanted more opportunity. He later ran off and was interviewed over the phone again and said he was now on a train.

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Hasn't anyone noticed how fit and well these boat people from Libya seem to be? Paying on average $1000 per person to get on boats holding up to 400 sometimes more.

Same with those at Calais, the fittest starving refugees/Asylum seekers anywhere.


Speculate to accumulate is the phrase you are looking for!

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And Just how do you suggest that they do that.

oh sorry they could read them their European human rights act.:loopy:


Well that's an incredibly stupid suggestion isn't it? We could start by providing proper shelter, food and sanitary arrangements could we not?

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And Just how do you suggest that they do that.

oh sorry they could read them their European human rights act.:loopy:


Europe send greece assistance. Not hard.

Dont know if you noticed the thousands of asylum seekers locked in a stadium in 40 degree heat or camping out in kos waiting for a visa.


Theres little kids in there, its disgraceful.


---------- Post added 13-08-2015 at 15:23 ----------


Well that's an incredibly stupid suggestion isn't it? We could start by providing proper shelter, food and sanitary arrangements could we not?


It would seem like a sensible thing to do. At least get camps setup while they wait for processing.


---------- Post added 13-08-2015 at 15:25 ----------



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Europe send greece assistance. Not hard.

Dont know if you noticed the thousands of asylum seekers locked in a stadium in 40 degree heat or camping out in kos waiting for a visa.


Theres little kids in there, its disgraceful.



so what's the temperature like in syria and somalia at this time of year?

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