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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Germany's open border has nothing to do with charity. It is because they have a demographic crisis and they need new fertile young families to plug their problem.


The well off educated Syrians, Afghans, and Iraqi's who can afford thousands to try to get to Europe are perfect for resettlement in Germany. The poor refugees in camps neighbouring Syria aren't as attractive, but these are the ones that the UK has spent a £billion on so far.


Comparing the attitudes of the UK and Germany to the current wave of migrants Germany's is pointless.


Germany isn't doing it out of charity. They are doing it because they need more people.


The UK isn't refusing open borders because it is heartless. The UK doesn't need to bring them here so it is trying to look after the ones who might actually go back and make a difference in Syria,etc.


Thats it in a nutshell.

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Germany's open border has nothing to do with charity. It is because they have a demographic crisis and they need new fertile young families to plug their problem.


The well off educated Syrians, Afghans, and Iraqi's who can afford thousands to try to get to Europe are perfect for resettlement in Germany. The poor refugees in camps neighbouring Syria aren't as attractive, but these are the ones that the UK has spent a £billion on so far.


Comparing the attitudes of the UK and Germany to the current wave of migrants Germany's is pointless.


Germany isn't doing it out of charity. They are doing it because they need more people.


The UK isn't refusing open borders because it is heartless. The UK doesn't need to bring them here so it is trying to look after the ones who might actually go back and make a difference in Syria,etc.


Thats it in a nutshell.


And where did you get your information from please?

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And where did you get your information from please?


It's quite common knowledge down our way. I'm surprised that you don't know anything at all.


It's a big topic, so I won't be giving you any more links than the one to Forbes that I gave earlier but I'm sure that you can find plenty for yourself by googling and surfing. Somebody has probably written something that pulls together the information in a concise article but I couldn't point you to anything in particular.

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It's not in Merkel's interest to do anything that would antagonise Ankara, as that would likely result in stirring tensions with the domestic Turkish migrant population, which is very sizeable and long-established in Germany (by and large, and broad brush alert: where the Brits have Indians and Pakistanis, and the French have north Africans, the Germans have Turks).


Short of donning the tinfoil hat and giving free reign to my paranoia, I can't see the German end game in this about-face and their kicking the EU's Dublin Regulations clean out of the stadium. Reneging unilaterally on EU statutes and principles is something the Germans simply don't do. Ever.


I just don't buy Merkel opening the door to 900,000 migrants no-questions-asked on the back of the German age pyramid or historically-motivated handwringing.


The paranoid me says Germany and France have made their peace about the UK leaving the EU (the German and French common angle, as expressed/implemented under the EU moniker, is already shifting domestic opinion about the EU referendum in the UK), and are intent on fomenting social tensions through mass immigration to justify more leftist-/socialist-like ingerence into daily life through EU statutes stripping elements of civil liberty from the EU populations (basically, what happened under NuLabour in the UK).


Far fetched no doubt, but I don't mind admitting I'm in the fog here and so looking at all possible explanations.


In the fog?I'd just like to thank you for the clearest insightful analysis i've read so far:thumbsup:

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It's common knowledge about the birth rate problem in Western Europe, the rest of the post is nothing more than supposition.


If there is anything in the "supposition" section you determined please feel free to check out any particular aspect for yourself and report back with the parts that aren't true. I'd be very happy to learn something new.


If you can't do that your post is the worst kind of supposition - an assumption based on nothing but your worthless opinion. :)

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If there is anything in the "supposition" section you determined please feel free to check out any particular aspect for yourself and report back with the parts that aren't true. I'd be very happy to learn something new.


If you can't do that your post is the worst kind of supposition - an assumption based on nothing but your worthless opinion. :)


Germany isn't doing it out of charity. They are doing it because they need more people. - For example, I believe that to be a statement without proof or certain knowledge. There's no need to get on your high horse, I'm not saying that you're lying, just that it's a hypothesis of yours that hasn't been proven or disproven.

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i give it 6 months in germany till it goes tits up noticed that there was a demonstration on getting the council to bring in refugees /immigrants i think the vast majority of sheffielders dont want any


I see polly toynbe taking the moral high ground, no doubt from here leafy suburban house. sturgeon and cooper gonna take families into there home! my f.... a...!

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