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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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where are the 25k going to live? where are the 25k going to get medical treatment from where are the 25k going to get jobs?? and if they are not going to work who pays for the welfare??


Theres 690k empty houses in the uk. Why dont we do something with them?


I got a spare room, sure millions of others have....


And we've created 2 million new jobs with another 2 million to come.


I see job ads everywhere I go, and that's in sheffield. Loads of jobs in south east.


we also have free at point of service medical in this country, its called the NHS.

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Theres 690k empty houses in the uk. Why dont we do something with them?


I got a spare room, sure millions of others have....


And we've created 2 million new jobs with another 2 million to come.


I see job ads everywhere I go, and that's in sheffield. Loads of jobs in south east.


we also have free at point of service medical in this country, its called the NHS.


The 690,000 houses are privately owned and thus nothing to do with you!!!


Why not use your spare room for a homeless UK national? A case of white guilt perhaps???


On the jobs point......so it is about increasing immigration then? Asylum seekers to jobseekers!!! You've exposed yourself here I'm afraid.

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For the one you and so many saw in that picture (and who didn't need to die, for his family didn't need to try and make it to Kos), I can show you hundreds (of young kids) drowned and washed up on north Africa's coasts, and executed by IS 'freedom' fighters by way of 'justice', over the past 4 years and a bit, courtesy of Liveleak and similar 'raw information' unregulated sites.


Where were the indignant shouts at the US, the EU, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande <etc.> then?


its on our shores, its our problem. We now have an obligation for a unified effort to look after these people, with the rest of europe.


it seems straight forward what we should do.

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Syria's Assad announces amnesty for draft dodgers - Syrian TV



Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Saturday announced an amnesty for men at home and abroad who have dodged conscription, to help bolster the ranks of an army severely depleted by four years of battling armed insurgents.


The decree, announced on state television, pardons those who violated Syria's conscription law, an offence punishable by imprisonment and sometimes death. It underscores the government's difficulty in mobilising men to help fight a protracted war in the face of a bloody insurgency.


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitor that tracks violence, puts the number of draft dodgers at 70,000. The decree gives one month for those inside Syria and two months for those abroad to turn themselves into authorities.


The Syrian army, one of the region's largest, has been over stretched by a four-year civil war where it is battling on several major fronts Islamist rebels and ultra-hardline jihadist militants who have seized large swathes of territory. Many young men have fled the country or found ways to avoid conscription.

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The 690,000 houses are privately owned and thus nothing to do with you!!!

theres 690k empty homes, private and public - thats a fact.


Why not use your spare room for a homeless UK national? A case of white guilt perhaps???


because these arent "homeless" people. There refugees.


On the jobs point......so it is about increasing immigration then? Asylum seekers to jobseekers!!! You've exposed yourself here I'm afraid.


What do you mean increasing immigration? you mean increasing net migration???

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Theres 690k empty houses in the uk. Why dont we do something with them?


I got a spare room, sure millions of others have....


And we've created 2 million new jobs with another 2 million to come.


I see job ads everywhere I go, and that's in sheffield. Loads of jobs in south east.


we also have free at point of service medical in this country, its called the NHS.


The NHS isn't free, it costs money and the more people that use it the more it costs.

690k empty houses in the UK,

Where are they?

Who owns them?

Are they habitable?

How many do we need for future population growth?

Are there adequate services in those areas?

Are there plenty of jobs in those areas or are they in areas of high unemployment?

How will the local community react to an influx of refugees?

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What do you mean increasing immigration? you mean increasing net migration???


They aren't 'refugees' as they were safe in turkey!


There are plenty of UK nationals that are homeless or living in unsafe housing.


I mean this is about increasing immigration in actual terms and not 'net' as this relies on the number of either UK national emigrating increasing or the number of foreign nationals 'ordinarily resident' leaving in increasing numbers.


These 'asylum seekers' are simply a way of increasing immigration to the UK, nothing more. Stop this emotional nonsense - you are being brainwashed!!!

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Irrational behaviour arises as a consequence of emotional reactions evoked when faced with difficult decisions, rational behaviour stems from an ability to override automatic emotional responses. There is nothing wrong with having an emotional response when you see a dead child on a beach, but it is irrational to make choices based on that emotional response.


its rational to take in 25k refugees when our european neighbours are taking in much more.


its irrational to commence air strikes just because we saw a dead child.

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its rational to take in 25k refugees when our european neighbours are taking in much more.


its irrational to commence air strikes just because we saw a dead child.


Our European neighbours are independent countries and it's their business what they do and not ours.

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We now have an obligation for a unified effort to look after these people, with the rest of europe.
I disagree. We have a common interest across the EU in adopting a unified policy that both helps refugees and safeguards the EU populations' best interests.


It starts by applying the EU Dublin Regs, with the 'remote' EU members (those away from the Mediterranean coal face) made to help the 'coal face' countries like Greece, Italy, Spain and Macedonia with resources.


There's no reason why Germany cannot setup German-resourced and -run processing centres (since they're supposedly so good at it, according to chalga) at EU camps located adjacent points of EU entry, rather than deep within Germany, with funds and other bits part-supplied by e.g. France, the UK and others. And no reason why such camps could not be made to employ a quota of local manpower, to help solve the problematic unemployment rate there. <etc.>

it seems straight forward what we should do.


Take care of the current flow with:

  • establish camps near EU points of entry in tandem with UNHCR,
  • sort genuine refugees from undeserving cases in such camps and assist their transport and relocation intra-EU,
  • reject/repatriate undeserving cases,

And, in parallel, work to stem the flow with:

  • intercept and destroy illegal boats as close to departing shore as possible (healthcheck and feed occupiers, and either return to departing shore or transit to camps), [Trident subs are quieter than a tomb, and could be used for the purpose of monitoring naval activities and directing interdiction efforts, rather than spending their time counting whales]
  • have special ops locate, track and eliminate people traffickers with extreme prejudice, [making crime not pay]
  • keep bombing the daylights out of IS 24/7/365.

Edited by L00b
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