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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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You said 'if we all' - well we don't all want to be so I don't understand your point!


Why would people that want to leave the EU want to see it work when it's obvious to them it does not?


WE ARE in the european union as of 2015....and that was by a democratic vote by the UK populus in 1975.


If you don't personally want to part of europe, either vote NO in the next referendum or move to a non-eu country.


But if it comes back YES, then as a british national you have to accept we are still part of the EU and all the pros and cons that come with it. No amount of forum moaning is going to change things.

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The Government issued 3,000 export licences for military and intelligence equipment worth a total of £12.3bn to countries which are on its own official list for human rights abuses.


including three contracts with syria...


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 13:05 ----------



but we are members of the european union...i dont understand your point.


With annual sales of about £17bn the arms industry is a large contributor to the UK economy. The UK is the world's second biggest arms exporter directly employing 350,000 people spread over 11,000 firms, with as many as 1.2 million people relying on it for a living.


What affect do you think it would have on the UK if we stopped making and selling weapons.



We should have sold even more to Syria, if their army had been larger and better equipped they could have crushed the rebellion fast and ISIS wouldn't have got a foothold in the region. The problems that exist today could have been avoided if Assad had crushed the rebellion quickly.

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We need to get out of the EU. We don't need to be in it. We controlled half the world without having to be members of a Europrean union, while at the same time other European nations were competing with us. So why people say we are an "insignifant chunk of rock" without Europe is absolutely beyond me.


it's good for trade...


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 13:25 ----------


With annual sales of about £17bn the arms industry is a large contributor to the UK economy. The UK is the world's second biggest arms exporter directly employing 350,000 people spread over 11,000 firms, with as many as 1.2 million people relying on it for a living.


What affect do you think it would have on the UK if we stopped making and selling weapons.



We should have sold even more to Syria, if their army had been larger and better equipped they could have crushed the rebellion fast and ISIS wouldn't have got a foothold in the region. The problems that exist today could have been avoided if Assad had crushed the rebellion quickly.


fine, but then we also have to accept it contributes to wars and causes foreign people to seek refuge in the affluent west.

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Its irrational to base government policy on what other countries do and the emotional response of some people after seeing a picture. Government policy should be based on what is good for the UK. If people are fleeing a war then it is rational to do whatever is necessary to end that war as soon as possible.


Breaking the law makes someone a criminal, this post means many of the young men on the run are criminals because they broke their countries laws.




we haven't even decided IF, HOW or WHEN we can end these wars. The last time Cameron tried to win over the house of commons, they voted against air strikes on Syria.

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it's good for trade...


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 13:25 ----------



fine, but then we also have to accept it contributes to wars and causes foreign people to seek refuge in the affluent west.


Accepting that selling weapons contributes to wars and causes foreign people to seek refuge in the affluent West, doesn't mean the West is obliged to give them refuge, we could just as easily use the weapons that we are so good at making to turn the invasion back.

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Syria isn't part of the EU and the UK managed to trade with them, so how is being part of the EU good for trade?


Because there is a surcharge on non-eu exports and imports.


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 13:34 ----------


Accepting that selling weapons contributes to wars and causes foreign people to seek refuge in the affluent West, doesn't mean the West is obliged to give them refuge, we could just as easily use the weapons that we are so good at making to turn the invasion back.


turn the invasion back meaning?

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