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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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yes, i meant the TTIP - I know there's some alarm about soverignity and IP, possibly giving more powers to bug business....

but talks are ongoing EXACTLY what the details will be. The advantages are obvious. Cheaper goods and jobs.


You can't rule it out yet IMHO.

If you look into matters independently and with as much due diligence as you claim:

I look at every topic, the ins and outs and think for myself. I read the left wing press and the right wing media.


I don't care what anyone else says or what the common opinion is, or take into account pre-conceived left and right politics for that matter...

you'd soon realise that the problems built into the TTIP extend significantly beyond 'sovereignty and IP'. In pretty much the same way as e.g. ACTA did.


TTIP has a strong potential to be enormously harmful to this country's economic infrastructure. It should be resisted with sparing no efforts, and sent back to the drawing board as a blank sheet.


And I say all this, notwithstanding a clear vested interested since IP is my game and ACTA/TTIP would do wonders for our balance sheet: intellectual honesty and objectivity is knowing when to turn down a deal that does more harm to the vast majority, than good for just little me.

Here's the thing and why I'm so hard to pin-down.


I don't have a socio-political agenda....but I know what right and wrong is.

Just to be clear, I'm not out to "pin you down" (we're just debating) and I didn't claim that you have a socio-economic agenda (just a bias, which looks left of centre to me: that's an observation, not an accusation or an insult :))


Most people know right from wrong. Some people understand that the world and its problems do not exist within such a simplistic binary context as 'right' and 'wrong'.

Edited by L00b
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And you are????????????


Go and troll somewhere else, you have lost the argument and the majority of your fellow Britons don't agree with you.


Save face and move on to something else.


You've lost!!!!


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 15:59 ----------


you don't have any rational argument...that fine with me.:loopy:


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 15:00 ----------



look who it is, my favourite bridge dweller!


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 15:02 ----------



net contribution....prove me wrong.


You don't have a rational argument - you have an emotional one.

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Go and troll somewhere else, you have lost the argument and the majority of your fellow Britons don't agree with you.


Save face and move on to something else.


You've lost!!!!


There's no argument,there's opinions........the fact that you don't agree with mine means nothing to me at all.............it's going to be posted,like it or lump it.

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Go and troll somewhere else, you have lost the argument and the majority of your fellow Britons don't agree with you.


Save face and move on to something else.


You've lost!!!!


So what makes you believe that you speak for your fellow Britons?

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