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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Are they packed inside an exposed stadium without water and sanitation?


Nobody asked them to go there.


Them and the terrorists have made a right mess of the tourist industry in the Med.


---------- Post added 13-08-2015 at 22:26 ----------


They are receiving shelter, food and medical care which is vastly more than millions of people worldwide receive and very likley more than they had before arriving in the UK.

The NHS is already struggling without these economic migrants.

Get our navies patrolling off their shores and turn them back.


---------- Post added 13-08-2015 at 22:32 ----------


That's what ISIS want, :suspect: so we should do the opposite and send them all back to Africa and Asia, and both continents have significantly more space than we have in Europe. Perfect.


ISIS also the internet to push their agenda and influence public opinion. :suspect:

Never a truer word, if the boats were turned back the IS would lose their main source of funding, these people have paid massive amounts to traffickers.


---------- Post added 13-08-2015 at 22:36 ----------


Disperse them around europe, enough space, enough wealth, plenty of jobs. Heck Cameron keeps boasting about millions of new jobs!!! what he means is millions of low paid jobs that brits dont want to do. Perfect.


Yeh we should all own a couple it would make life much easier, damn good idea.

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Mmmm livelihoods destroyed???? paying between £1000-£2000 for passage to Europe? granted they may not realise they will be herded on to a leaky overloaded boat, but they had the money to pay for it and some have money left over.

They leave the registration camp and make their way to other countries. One interviewed by a radio 4 reporter, in the camp, bragged that he was a computer programmer and had sold everything to get to the EU because he wanted more opportunity. He later ran off and was interviewed over the phone again and said he was now on a train.


Bear in mind they prob don't plan on returning home and so sold everything they had but the clothes on their back. £1000 isn't a lot of money to scrape together. Nobody said these guys were destitute third world street beggars. They are people of all means running very scared. Doing what you or I would do if tomorrow a murderous regime was due to hit Sheffield and there was no army and no police and you didn't fancy your chances or a fight

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They are people of all means running very scared. Doing what you or I would do if tomorrow a murderous regime was due to hit Sheffield and there was no army and no police and you didn't fancy your chances or a fight

we already have one its called the tories :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Bear in mind they prob don't plan on returning home and so sold everything they had but the clothes on their back. £1000 isn't a lot of money to scrape together. Nobody said these guys were destitute third world street beggars. They are people of all means running very scared. Doing what you or I would do if tomorrow a murderous regime was due to hit Sheffield and there was no army and no police and you didn't fancy your chances or a fight


This leads to the conclusion that the population of those countries who oppose or are not part of the "murderous regime" are entitled to move to Europe as illegal immigrants.

Which then leads to a situation where the "murderous regime" take over the country.

Didn't we get involved in Iraq and Afghanistan to promote democracy ?

Edited by harvey19
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Some People on this forum would do well to read further than the first line of a post and researching elswhere with your eyes and mind open pays dividends.


Quote "Bear in mind they prob don't plan on returning home and so sold everything they had but the clothes on their back. £1000 isn't a lot of money to scrape together. Nobody said these guys were destitute third world street beggars. They are people of all means running very scared. Doing what you or I would do if tomorrow a murderous regime was due to hit Sheffield and there was no army and no police and you didn't fancy your chances or a fight"


The point is they were safe in Turkey if safety was their aim. Not only are they getting to Greece and Italy creating mayhem but they are refusing to be documented and go through the process of Asylum properly. They then take off for who knows where to meet no one knows who and do Who knows what It seems clear to me that many of these people are not Bone fide Refugees, The number of men, Young men at that, far outweighs women and children. People who are worried for their lives take care of their children first, or is this another cultural trait? Abandon the women and children to fend for themselves and take off with all you can raise.


Quote=TJC1;11118196]Are they packed inside an exposed stadium without water and sanitation?


The article I read Online said people were sitting in the stands in the shade. The photograph attached to it showed men standing, young men not one old face, or one woman's face or one child's face. It did say that people were fainting. but Medicine Sans Frontiers were there so they are recieving some care.

I don't know of any stadia that do not have toilet facilities. Even the Romans had them, though they may not be what they are used to. I have to say that when I was in Egypt the toilet facilities in most places except the Hotels were disgustingly dirty.

Edited by Margarita Ma
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Quote=TJC1;11118196]Are they packed inside an exposed stadium without water and sanitation?


The article I read Online said people were sitting in the stands in the shade. The photograph attached to it showed men standing, young men not one old face, or one woman's face or one child's face. It did say that people were fainting. but Medicine Sans Frontiers were there so they are recieving some care.

I don't know of any stadia that do not have toilet facilities. Even the Romans had them, though they may not be what they are used to. I have to say that when I was in Egypt the toilet facilities in most places except the Hotels were disgustingly dirty.


Not the pictures ive seen on bbc, itv and newsnight.

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It's desperately sad that we call ourselves a civilised country yet at one of its detention centres treats women who are fleeing torture "like animals"

You may have heard the comments by HM Chief Inspectorate on the news yesterday about Yarl's Wood - here is a link providing information:





No doubt some bright spark on here will pipe up & say they should be grateful to be treated like animals :roll:


Didn't they show their gratitude by burning the detention centre down, costing us the taxpayer millions of pounds.

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Not the pictures ive seen on bbc, itv and newsnight.


Not what ?

Not mostly men or no shots of people sitting in the shade in the stands.

There are shaded areas. The people standing were queuing to be registered.

There are not many people to register them and see them through the process.

Given the situation in Greece do you expect the Greek Authorities to abandon their own people in need and prioritise people who turn up on their shores take over their open spaces and don't speak their language. Seriously you have a very warped view of the world.

Organising anything on this scale takes time and personnel. Where do you propose the money comes from to feed and care for these people. How much have you donated to help?


---------- Post added 14-08-2015 at 11:55 ----------


Great! On the other hand, risking your life to stay in a war-torn country doesn't sound like the best of fun.


Millions of people stayed in a war torn country, throughout Europe during world war two. They did not decamp en mass to another continent.

Jewish Children if they were lucky and some other Jews were able to escape certain death with the help of their families and Christians.

Edited by Margarita Ma
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It appears from the news that many of the Syrians don't like Europe because it isn't the paradise they expected, but because they used all their money getting to Kos they are stuck, with this in mind wouldn't boats be more appropriate, we could supply lots of boats so that they can get home.


Brilliant Idea.


---------- Post added 14-08-2015 at 13:39 ----------


Navy gun boats sending them home is probably the best long term solution. Bit harsh on on the first few, but they'll soon get the message.
How true, that is the only realistic solution.
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