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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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25% want mass net migration? i must have missed this bit...


Apparently so. Half a million people coming from abroad is 'mass' by most people's standards. 75% want it stopped or reduced significantly whilst 25% are OK with it.


How about answering my points? Why are we ignoring the likely consequences of letting these people in? How can they possibly be managed? Will this decision force more tolerance or drive less tolerance? Are we on course for a united or divided country?

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You said that did not want any immigrants living in this country. Kevin Spacey is a fine American actor lived in this country for a while, so he was an immigrant. Does this cause a problem for you?


Likewise When Kyle Minogue lived here in the UK, she was an immigrant, did you have a problem with that?


There's plenty of British people with talent you know.


Both of these people didn't need to live here as they could have filmed/recorded their art and simply posted it here for sale and broadcast.

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I'm not saying it isn't valid.


What I am saying is that my opinion is not inferior to yours simply because it is different to yours.


I don't want any immigrants in my country and you do and I respect your opinion but will never agree with it.


Some proponents of mass immigration claim an opinion that is contrary is 'racist' or belongs 'in Nazi Germany' so I hope you can at least why I got defensive.


calling them communists, Marxists, trotskyites ,doesn't seem to have the same ring despite stalin murdering millions. the left and you can be sure they are well represented here are members of uaf, hope not hate etc, yet I'm not a member nor support the far right! "you either agree with us or your fascist!!

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You said they were refugees and not me.


as opposed to killers, benefit cheats and terrorists?:loopy:


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 17:56 ----------


Apparently so. Half a million people coming from abroad is 'mass' by most people's standards. 75% want it stopped or reduced significantly whilst 25% are OK with it.


How about answering my points? Why are we ignoring the likely consequences of letting these people in? How can they possibly be managed? Will this decision force more tolerance or drive less tolerance? Are we on course for a united or divided country?


have you not heard the news - 20k over 5 years.......I think it's the european ones you have to worry about now.


And that can't be stopped (without leaving the EU).

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There's plenty of British people with talent you know.


Both of these people didn't need to live here as they could have filmed/recorded their art and simply posted it here for sale and broadcast.


So you have a problem with them living here?


What about someone who has a holiday romance, would you allow their partner to move to this country?


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 17:59 ----------


We know nothing about them so wouldn't it be safer to assume that many of them are?


Why put our nation at risk by flooding it with people you know nothing about?


I know nothing about you, so should I assume that when I'm talking to you I'm engaging with a terrorist, a killer or a benefit cheat?

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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We know nothing about them so wouldn't it be safer to assume that many of them are?


Why put our nation at risk by flooding it with people you know nothing about?


we do know something about them....or do you think the home office just plucks randoms off the streets?


you seem confused about this immigration business and the processes involved, maybe you need a lay down?...:hihi:


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 18:01 ----------



I know nothing about you, so should I assume that when I'm talking to you I'm engaging with a terrorist, a killer or a benefit cheat?


I just assume that dont you? seem reasonable....:hihi::hihi:

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So you have a problem with them living here?


What about someone who has a holiday romance, would you allow their partner to move to this country?


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 17:59 ----------



I know nothing about you, so should I assume that when I'm talking to you I'm engaging with a terrorist, a killer or a benefit cheat?


No, a holiday romance is exactly that. There's nothing stopping a UK national move to their country if they so wish but most 'holiday romances' are short term or the other person want a passport to the UK. I've seen programmes on TV about it.


I'm a UK citizen and already here so what difference does it make?

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No, a holiday romance is exactly that. There's nothing stopping a UK national move to their country if they so wish but most 'holiday romances' are short term or the other person want a passport to the UK. I've seen programmes on TV about it.


So you're arguing that you're a xenophobe but not a racist? Fair enough.


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 18:07 ----------


I'm a UK citizen and already here so what difference does it make?


So it wouldn't make any difference to you if everyone who didn't know you thought that you was a terrorist, a killer or a benefit cheat?

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integration with europe - it's the way forward.


The first 30 years of my life were before we joined the EEC and the last 40 years have been since we are in the E U and life was better before we joined.


I did work in Europe quite often having to to go through customs and immigration at every border but I still believe that was far better than what we have now as people can move from country to country with no checks and the authorities have no idea who is in any country.


There is also the thousands of people who are still crossing from North Africa to Italy,Gibraltar and Spain who have disappeared from the news over the last week or so. It will not be long before the population of Europe is increased by the population of a small country like Wales whose population is around 3 million and can they all be integrated.


The migrants ( as once the refugees enter the E U they are not refugees but migrants ) will have to be settled in countries in which they do not want to settle like Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland Czech. Republic , Slovakia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Greece

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