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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Oh, I think I get it now, you can only be xenophobic if you're English . But isn't it a bit xenophobic to accuse an English person of xenophobia?


No you don't get it. In fact you've missed the point by a country mile. Where have I suggested that you can only be xenophobic if your English?


Thanks for making me laugh though with your suggestion that it's xenophobic to accuse an English person of Xenophobia!!!!

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Isn't part of the problem that their own people, i.e. their own government are also attacking them?


Their own people re certainly the problem. Some of our people in WW2 were Fascists. We had fifth columnists then.

We had (and still have) communist sympathisers in the cold war.

We have pro muslim agressionists here in the UK now.

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You mean defending Syrian citizens from a rebel force that tried to overthrow the government.


OK, a very brief summery of my understanding of the situation in Syria.


Assad brutally mistreats his citizens, they rebel. The rebels sprinter off into different organisations, one of which becomes Isis. So you have citizens caught in between a three way battle between the oppressive Isis, Assad and the allied backed rebels.


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 20:09 ----------


Their own people re certainly the problem. Some of our people in WW2 were Fascists. We had fifth columnists then.

We had (and still have) communist sympathisers in the cold war.

We have pro muslim agressionists here in the UK now.


Some of our people may have sided with the enemy, but our government never turned against the people.

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Do you think they should stay behind in their own country and fight to oppose factions like ISis who are imposing barbaric religious laws etc. on people?


A lot of people seem keen to volunteer others for almost certain death.


Perhaps these QUERTY warriors should pop over to Syria and show 'em how it's done?


Remember Syrian refugees, we're right behind you.


About 1900 miles behind you.

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OK, a very brief summery of my understanding of the situation in Syria.


Assad brutally mistreats his citizens, they rebel. The rebels sprinter off into different organisations, one of which becomes Isis. So you have citizens caught in between a three way battle between the oppressive Isis, Assad and the allied backed rebels.


---------- Post added 07-09-2015 at 20:09 ----------



Some of our people may have sided with the enemy, but our government never turned against the people.


Why Syrians Support Bashar al Assad



Syria is probably not unlike the UK, we have a government that some people believe mistreats its citizens, do you think they would be justified in violently attacking the government and its supporters.

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