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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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I said EU passports. If Germany takes in hundreds of thousands, they will eventually get German passports and certainly their children will . They then all have freedom of movement to anywhere in Europe, including the UK (unless we're allowed to vote out of it in 2017). Meanwhile, I'm not allowed to take a bottle of my own drink on an aeroplane for security reasons. You couldn't make it up .


Only if UK stay in EU, and we can also go to Germany or any other country.


---------- Post added 08-09-2015 at 08:21 ----------


Here's a Syrian family in the UK which was granted asylum.


I cannot see how they are not going to benefit the UK or perhaps in future, another country elsewhere, with their skills and education.




If wanting to live a life, give your kids an education and a chance to make something of themselves is a crime, then we are all guilty.


The Syrians are a cross section of professional, skilled and unskilled people. A lot of them speak excellent english too.


---------- Post added 08-09-2015 at 08:24 ----------


There are two main issues that people have with immigration. One is when it has a negative financial impact and the other is when it has a negative social impact.


Neither of those aspects are true. Post some evidence instead of spouting off drivel. The European migrants have contributed NET £20BN to the UK economy according to a 2011 study by the UCL.


We need immigration.

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I dont really think its necessary to post proof or quotes to satisfy your need to know why some in voters believe the anti EU voters have racist reasons for wanting out. All the pro British groups are branded racists, yet their beliefs are theirs to have. I personally dislike the fact that some areas if Sheffield are predominantly occupied by same nationality groups. Thats not a racist slur, thats me not liking the non integration. Mad.


You can't provide any links to where people who want to leave the EU have been called racist?.........any post on here where that has happened?.......how have you come to the conclusion that you came to then?......thought transference,paranormal,guess.....a wish and a hope that somebody will call someone a racist?

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Like I said above the reality in the UK is we have set our own agenda, and that does not involve mass immigration on the scale Germany is contemplating.


Your fears are really for other EU countries. In fact if you want us to leave the EU my bet is that has just moved a big step closer to happening.


Agreed. Let's put this to bed. We are taking 20k over 5 years a pathetic amount.


The next task therefore is to deal with the influx from calais.

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I said EU passports. If Germany takes in hundreds of thousands, they will eventually get German passports and certainly their children will . They then all have freedom of movement to anywhere in Europe, including the UK (unless we're allowed to vote out of it in 2017). Meanwhile, I'm not allowed to take a bottle of my own drink on an aeroplane for security reasons. You couldn't make it up .


Yes sorry I did mean EU passports.


My understanding is they get a residence permit for 3 years in Germany, not a passport. You are talking many, many years down the line.


Even if we leave the EU we still have to grant freedom of movement if we stay in the EEA or single market. Leaving the EU is not the silver bullet you imagine. The only way to totally control our borders is by withdrawal all forms of the single market but that would be utter economic madness.


You see where this is going......... We have a new reality. Things have changed.

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That is exactly what people supporting mass immigration from these regions are doing... shutting their eyes to the potential consequences and hoping it turns out alright. That is no strategy.


They are not worse case scenarios but real potential outcomes. The rise of the nationalist and far right parties across Europe isn't a scenario but a fact. The polls that tell us most people have had enough of this sort of mass immigration are not scenarios but a fact. It is also a fact that sooner or later the majority will tire of being dictated to and will hand power to someone who'll respect/share their wishes. What then?


I believe the decision to take in these people will provide a short term feel good factor for some but will ultimately lead to more resentment, less tolerance and division between 'communities'. How can it lead to anything else... the decision goes against the wishes of the majority. Where is the strategy for appeasement to prevent this?


Then what you have listed is a load of reasons for doing nothing about the current asylum/refugee crisis,and having virtually no immigration in the future,out of fear of the unknown,and also appeasing criminal gangs who violently attack immigrants........if you want to bow down and be held hostage by those kind of groups,that is up to you.........my view is that they have the problem,not immigrants.

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Which I did refer to in my post. The chance of a genuine referendum throwing up an "in" vote after this fiasco is slim to none. However, I'm not sure we will be allowed to leave.


If the British people want to leave, then we leave. However, even if we vote IN, Cameron can still re-negotiate the terms of the deal to some extent.


it's 1/5 we stay in.


It's good for a variety of reasons. I don't think we should leave. It's not all doom and gloom.


---------- Post added 08-09-2015 at 08:35 ----------


Yes sorry I did mean EU passports.


My understanding is they get a residence permit for 3 years in Germany, not a passport. You are talking many, many years down the line.


Even if we leave the EU we still have to grant freedom of movement if we stay in the EEA or single market. Leaving the EU is not the silver bullet you imagine. The only way to totally control our borders is by withdrawal all forms of the single market but that would be utter economic madness.


You see where this is going......... We have a new reality. Things have changed.


Germany are happy for young migrants - it boosts there workforce and aging economy.


This is all scaremongering. Really if you are working in Germany, speak German, you are not likely to leave to then go and sit on the dole in England are you?


Even if they could, this country hopping is not going to happen.


---------- Post added 08-09-2015 at 08:37 ----------


what might happen though, is the younger ones eventually go to University and come over here to study. Which is a WIN-WIN for UK.

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Syria is probably not unlike the UK, we have a government that some people believe mistreats its citizens, do you think they would be justified in violently attacking the government and its supporters.


OMG! adrea, you are soo right!

It was only yesterday I mentioned to the missus that the pick up truck full of armed freedom fighters who were slaughtered by that torturous dictator assad cameron,they definitely had it coming. I mean who goes down penistone rd in rush hour? that's just asking for trouble!


It's uncanny don't you think? like we're really so not unlike Syria.

I mean especially the way we're surrounded by hostile countries, the way we have weapons pumped into the country from so many paces..




"The situation is very bad now in Latakia province. 7 Alawite villages were massacred. We know about the killing of 136 villagers all killed on sectarian bases. A friend of mind lost 21 member of his relatives.

"All of my friends who were documenting the name and the events of massacres in Latakia against Alawites are now being threatened to be killed by FSA and Al Nusra terrorists … On TV we are shown something different. It is only a propaganda. They're trying to say that Alawites are not being killed or displaced. The truth is being hidden by mass media. .. This is sick… My sister now is very ill … I guess a part of her illness is caused by sadness … we are afraid."

A quick recap. Alawites are the ethnicity of the ruling family. The fact they were allegedly being killed by rebel groups suggests the rebels are not all angels."





not quite the same..

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The Syrians are a cross section of professional, skilled and unskilled people. A lot of them speak excellent english too.

The surprising thing is that so many Syrians managed to get such a good education in a country that some claim was barbaric towards its population.


---------- Post added 08-09-2015 at 08:50 ----------


Neither of those aspects are true. Post some evidence instead of spouting off drivel. The European migrants have contributed NET £20BN to the UK economy according to a 2011 study by the UCL.


We need immigration.


Syrians are non EU and that group of immigrants cost the British people £160 billion, both groups combined cost the British people £140 billion, that mean the British people are £140 billion worse off as a result of immigration, every British man women and child is £2333 worse off because of immigration.

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Syrians are non EU and that group of immigrants cost the British people £160 billion, both groups combined cost the British people £140 billion, that mean the British people are £140 billion worse off as a result of immigration, every British man women and child is £2333 worse off because of immigration.


Did you get those numbers off the back of a fag packet or just invent them?

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