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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Was he found guilty? not that it as anything whatsoever to do with this topic of my post.


It has everything to do with your post, you're just so blinded by your own bigotry. Stalin and Hitler even heducated its populations, so your observation was mute.

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Then what you have listed is a load of reasons for doing nothing about the current asylum/refugee crisis,and having virtually no immigration in the future,out of fear of the unknown,and also appeasing criminal gangs who violently attack immigrants........if you want to bow down and be held hostage by those kind of groups,that is up to you.........my view is that they have the problem,not immigrants.


So you propose ignoring the wishes of the majority to avoid appeasing a small number of right wing extremists? That is what is know as cutting off your nose to spite your face.


You offer no strategy for managing the risks I highlighted, just an excuse for not having one. You propose taking a moral stance and to hell with the outcome. It is idiotic.

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So you propose ignoring the wishes of the majority to avoid appeasing a small number of right wing extremists? That is what is know as cutting off your nose to spite your face.


You offer no strategy for managing the risks I highlighted, just an excuse for not having one. You propose taking a moral stance and to hell with the outcome. It is idiotic.


I already did offer a strategy for your risks that you highlighted.......none,or almost no immigration,and I posted it twice,because all your highlights mean that nothing would be done in the immediate future regarding refugees,as the debate and hand wringing while debating your points carried on endlessly,all leading to the fact that the worst case scenarios you talk about make immigration too risky..........hence why I said that if I looked at it the same way when wondering if I should go out,the conclusion would be no,something bad might happen,lock the door and pull the bed sheets over me.........don't let the world come to me.

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OK,My mistake,it seems I have got this Syrian war thingy all wrong.........nobody died,nobody is in danger of dying,there are thousands of wealthy people all leaving their wealthy and comfortable houses and lavish lifestyles behind in order to possibly die in the sea in order to get hand outs in the EU,which they urgently need because they are so wealthy.


You are clearly under the impression, with your attempt at sarcasm, that you are much more intelligent than you really are, so let me explain to you very simply what has happened.


Yes there was a war in Syria and yes lots of people were dying. Some places were absolutely decimated such as Yarmouk and people were suffering terribly. As is always the case in war, the poor suffered the worst as they literally had everything they owned destroyed and were left with nothing. Those who could get out, got out and in to neighbouring countries where they were placed in refugee camps. Many people fled to Lebanon and Jordan, but most entered Turkey as the nearest safe country.


This is where the story ends for the poor. They remained in the refugee camps in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon where they are currently safe from immediate death although in far from an ideal situation until they can return to their homes hopefully in the not too distant future.


The wealthier who could afford it decided not to stay in Turkey for economic reasons (you see, they were already safe in Turkey, and so their decision to move on for economic reasons makes them ECONOMIC MIGRANTS. Understand yet?) Many of them paid large amounts of money to smugglers who took them across to Greece (or the islands such as Lesbos) in small boats which were barely sea worthy. Many died as a result. Once in Greece the authorities attempted to register them but they did not want to stay in Greece because it was in economic crisis which they did not want to be involved in. They therefore moved north to FYROM and onwards through the countries which did not meet their economic criteria.


The Hungarian authorities desperately tried to process them when they arrived and yet they didn't want to be processed here as they did not think Hungary was rich enough. They forced their way through baracades and on to trains shouting 'Germany, Germany'. Sorry Hungary, not good enough. The left-wing media spun this appallingly, the BBC in particular showing images of Hungarian forces manhandling the 'refugees' who just wanted to be safe and warm (and in a country with a good GDP).


The migrants have been offered aid in every country they have come across so far, but have refused registration and physically forced themselves in to countries on their way to one which meets their economic criteria.


Now do you understand why these people are economic migrants? Just because you were once a refugee, it doesn't mean this label (with a legal definition in European law) stays with you forever, giving you catre blanche to do whatever the hell you like.


So, to answer your assumption, no these people are not escaping death and searching for safety. They were, but they weren't happy with it and so they moved on.


Stop swallowing what the mainstream media keep feeding you.

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You are clearly under the impression, with your attempt at sarcasm, that you are much more intelligent than you really are, so let me explain to you very simply what has happened.


Yes there was a war in Syria and yes lots of people were dying. Some places were absolutely decimated such as Yarmouk and people were suffering terribly. As is always the case in war, the poor suffered the worst as they literally had everything they owned destroyed and were left with nothing. Those who could get out, got out and in to neighbouring countries where they were placed in refugee camps. Many people fled to Lebanon and Jordan, but most entered Turkey as the nearest safe country.


This is where the story ends for the poor. They remained in the refugee camps in Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon where they are currently safe from immediate death although in far from an ideal situation until they can return to their homes hopefully in the not too distant future.


The wealthier who could afford it decided not to stay in Turkey for economic reasons (you see, they were already safe in Turkey, and so their decision to move on for economic reasons makes them ECONOMIC MIGRANTS. Understand yet?) Many of them paid large amounts of money to smugglers who took them across to Greece (or the islands such as Lesbos) in small boats which were barely sea worthy. Many died as a result. Once in Greece the authorities attempted to register them but they did not want to stay in Greece because it was in economic crisis which they did not want to be involved in. They therefore moved north to FYROM and onwards through the countries which did not meet their economic criteria.


The Hungarian authorities desperately tried to process them when they arrived and yet they didn't want to be processed here as they did not think Hungary was rich enough. They forced their way through baracades and on to trains shouting 'Germany, Germany'. Sorry Hungary, not good enough. The left-wing media spun this appallingly, the BBC in particular showing images of Hungarian forces manhandling the 'refugees' who just wanted to be safe and warm (and in a country with a good GDP).


The migrants have been offered aid in every country they have come across so far, but have refused registration and physically forced themselves in to countries on their way to one which meets their economic criteria.


Now do you understand why these people are economic migrants? Just because you were once a refugee, it doesn't mean this label (with a legal definition in European law) stays with you forever, giving you catre blanche to do whatever the hell you like.


So, to answer your assumption, no these people are not escaping death and searching for safety. They were, but they weren't happy with it and so they moved on.


Stop swallowing what the mainstream media keep feeding you.


What an excellent post describing fully the situation

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I already did offer a strategy for your risks that you highlighted.......none,or almost no immigration,and I posted it twice,because all your highlights mean that nothing would be done in the immediate future regarding refugees,as the debate and hand wringing while debating your points carried on endlessly,all leading to the fact that the worst case scenarios you talk about make immigration too risky..........hence why I said that if I looked at it the same way when wondering if I should go out,the conclusion would be no,something bad might happen,lock the door and pull the bed sheets over me.........don't let the world come to me.


Trying to pretend that not wanting mass immigration is nothing more than illogical fear isn't going to change anybodies view. It is a tactic that has been done to death and the fact that most people still want far less immigration proves it doesn't work. Try something else.


You are right though that the only way to manage the risks I highlight is to cede to the wishes of the majority and curb immigration... not increase it. Your assessment confirms that those in support of taking more migrants/refugees have given no thought to the likely consequences and how to manage the risks. We have emotional decisions being taken without any strategic, long-term thought. It is idiotic.

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