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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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If you actually believe the mainstream media are presenting a balanced view of the crisis then you are deluded.


The link you posted refers to refugees displaced by the war in Syria including the masses in refugee camps in neighbouring countries, NOT the masses of people forcing their way through borders to get to Germany, most of whom are wealthy males of fighting age. I imagine you knew that though, and were simply trying to pull the wool over people's eyes.


How wealthy are they?..........give us some examples,profiles,a run down of the backgrounds of these people,what they have to make up that wealth,bank balance,property,business? .................still waiting for your answer on this............I don't need to know what i already know about refugees and asylum seekers,I am asking for your facts and figures on the personal wealth of the males.

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Yes there was a war in Syria and yes lots of people were dying.

>< snippety snip><

no these people are not escaping death and searching for safety. They were, but they weren't happy with it and so they moved on.



ok, but what's your point?


One step out of Syria, fine by you? One thousand miles, not fine?


It's a hypothetical question but, Do you think you'd hold the same opinion if you were Turkish?

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Trying to pretend that not wanting mass immigration is nothing more than illogical fear isn't going to change anybodies view. It is a tactic that has been done to death and the fact that most people still want far less immigration proves it doesn't work. Try something else.


You are right though that the only way to manage the risks I highlight is to cede to the wishes of the majority and curb immigration... not increase it. Your assessment confirms that those in support of taking more migrants/refugees have given no thought to the likely consequences and how to manage the risks. We have emotional decisions being taken without any strategic, long-term thought. It is idiotic.


I'm not trying to change anybodies view,I am giving an opinion.There's no 'pretending' either.........there is an illogical fear of loads of things,not only immigration...........I don't need to 'try' anything else,the immigration into a country is set by the country,i'm quite happy with that..........you need to try something else as you are the one that seems to be not happy about it.

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As long as you have the same confirmation bias....


It really doesn't matter what the legal position re migrants or refugees. The bottom line remains... most people don't want them.


There may well be a highly vocal and visual minority showing support for these migrants/refugees but it doesn't change the fact that the majority of people are once again seeing decisions taken that total disregarded their wishes. The resentment caused by mass immigration (and views being ignored) is already driving a general political shift to the right, as well as less democratic responses in the form of increasing attacks on 'foreigners'. This is only going to get worse. I think we are close to a tipping point and I don't think we are going to like what's on the other side.


The more liberal, generous and trusting in our society may not like how the majority feel about immigration but they need to recognise that they can't keep forcing their wishes on others without there being consequences. It is time for a tactical retreat in order to hold onto the social gains we have made instead of risking, and potentially losing, the lot.

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How wealthy are they?..........give us some examples,profiles,a run down of the backgrounds of these people,what they have to make up that wealth,bank balance,property,business? .................still waiting for your answer on this............I don't need to know what i already know about refugees and asylum seekers,I am asking for your facts and figures on the personal wealth of the males.


You may think what you are doing is clever, but it's not. It completely transparent. You are attempting to rubbish a theory by asking for unobtainable information as the only confirmation of said theory. "How do we know that man with the 12 Ferarris is rich? I demand to see his bank statements double stamped as genuine by two independent solicitors and a list of his transactions in the last 15 years until I believe that". It's a childish and tiresome tactic.


I covered everything you're asking now in the previous lengthy post. Simply put, if someone can afford the cost of paying a people smuggler as well as the cost of traveling across an entire continent they're not poor starving Refugees.


I can't really be bothered arguing with you. You simply have no clue what you're talking about. You even suggested earlier that these people were walking from Greece to Germany. You're totally clueless.


Also, stop separating your points with 20 full stops. You're not in primary school.

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I'm not trying to change anybodies view,I am giving an opinion.There's no 'pretending' either.........there is an illogical fear of loads of things,not only immigration...........I don't need to 'try' anything else,the immigration into a country is set by the country,i'm quite happy with that..........you need to try something else as you are the one that seems to be not happy about it.


Doesn't it concern you that increasing immigration is likely to elicit a negative response that may well turn Europe into a far less tolerant place? Are you saying you don't think there is a risk or you just don't care?

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You may think what you are doing is clever, but it's not. It completely transparent. You are attempting to rubbish a theory by asking for unobtainable information as the only confirmation of said theory. "How do we know that man with the 12 Ferarris is rich? I demand to see his bank statements double stamped as genuine by two independent solicitors and a list of his transactions in the last 15 years until I believe that". It's a childish and tiresome tactic.


I covered everything you're asking now in the previous lengthy post. Simply put, if someone can afford the cost of paying a people smuggler as well as the cost of traveling across an entire continent they're not poor starving Refugees.


I can't really be bothered arguing with you. You simply have no clue what you're talking about. You even suggested earlier that these people were walking from Greece to Germany. You're totally clueless.


Also, stop separating your points with 20 full stops. You're not in primary school.


Simple point needing to be backed up here by you.........You made the claim about wealthy males,if you don't have any information that is obtainable on what their wealth is,how do you know they are wealthy?

We need to know about their jobs,average wage,cost of living,their earnings,their personal circumstances............loads of things that go into deciding if a person is wealthy or not.........you have nothing of the sort.

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