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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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I agree that they are fleeing something which we know little about and have a right to safe sanctuary, but the sheer amount of people wanting to CHOOSE which country they should be allowed into is totally wrong and as previously said the bigger countries should help the poorer smaller countries where they first enter the E U to build camps and reception centres where they can be registered distributed to all countries in the E U even if it is not the country of their choice.


When they have entered a safe E U country their status is a refugee but when they are moving to another E U country or state they are then a migrant and a place of safety should be their main concern not the best lifestyle to which they can archive as if they are choosing to select where to go like choosing a holiday destination.

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Jesus, it's like the nuremberg rallies in here.


Be careful what you wish for JohnCocker


---------- Post added 11-09-2015 at 16:33 ----------


What's the deal with mentioning church bells?

you mean that signify the call to worship of that religion,the one that was imported from the .. er.. .... just remind me again, where did that religion come from...


no no its good old common sense something sadly lacking with some on here, but wait a while and eventually in the not too distant future the cuckoos in the nest will try and take over and thats where the big problems will begin.

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its only the blind that cannot see:roll:


oh come on. read it,


"When I was a kid, all you could hear on Sunday morning was church bells. Now all you see are minarets"


"Yet we are still inviting an alien culture into our midst."



It's like Nick griffins tried extra specially hard on his gcse covert racism paper.

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I also believe that there is a huge amount of political correctness surrounding Islam where any criticism is immediately associated with bigotry, which has been going on for a while now.


Yes, alas, bigotry has indeed been going on for a while now.


---------- Post added 11-09-2015 at 17:16 ----------


no no its good old common sense something sadly lacking with some on here, but wait a while and eventually in the not too distant future the cuckoos in the nest will try and take over and thats where the big problems will begin.


Behave! It doesn't even make any sense.


''When I was a kid, all you could hear on Sunday morning was church bells. Now all you see are minarets.'' - just isn't true. It's total piffle.

Edited by Halibut
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Yes, alas, bigotry has indeed been going on for a while now.


---------- Post added 11-09-2015 at 17:16 ----------



Behave! It doesn't even make any sense.


''When I was a kid, all you could hear on Sunday morning was church bells. Now all you see are minarets.'' - just isn't true. It's total piffle.


it may be a slight exaggeration but its just the beginning

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Yes, alas, bigotry has indeed been going on for a while now.


---------- Post added 11-09-2015 at 17:16 ----------



Behave! It doesn't even make any sense.


''When I was a kid, all you could hear on Sunday morning was church bells. Now all you see are minarets.'' - just isn't true. It's total piffle.


Are you a Muslim? You could change your name to Halibaba, or halalibut. :hihi:

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I really do fear whats going to come of this.

All the wish washy socialist types on here cant see the the wood for the trees on this issue.

These people coming over have had opportunities to settle in other countries and have decided that where they were wasnt good enough.

We now for some reason have a massive group of people deciding that all at the same time they are on the move.

Im sorry but when they are refusing to comply with the police force of that country and are refusing to go to camps for processing and are choosing to break down fences and ignore the system set up for them then its more like an invasion than anything else.


The truth is that when it inevitably comes to its conclusion and there is civil unrest all you wishy washy lot will be neither use or ornament in the fight to regain what we will have lost through your very shortsighted and idealistic rose tinted spectacles.


An honest question i have to any of you socialist types is what do you honestly think of saudi arabias offer to build mosques in germany for every 200 refugees or migrants they take in? Do you think its a great gesture by them? Or like me do you see it as an insurance policy to try to ensure they all stay onboard and muslim and get a firmer foothold in the name of islam.?

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