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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Hosts my arse, chucking food parcels at them as if they are animals, no wonder they don't want to settle in Hungary.


They were behaving like animals from the news clips which I have seen so it is hard to complain about treating them in the fashion in which they were behaving.

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Der Spiegel reports that 42% of asylum-seekers in Germany are actually economic migrants from the Balkans, and these are refused. Only 20% are from Syria. Don't believe all the sob-stories.

The Saudis and the Qataris must be ****** themselves laughing to see how gullible the EU is. These people should be re-settled in the Gulf they have the space, they speak the language and they need hundreds of thousands of workers.



Edited by johncocker
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Der Spiegel reports that 42% of asylum-seekers in Germany are actually economic migrants from the Balkans, and these are refused. Only 20% are from Syria. Don't believe all the sob-stories.



I've wrote something along those lines nearly a week ago now.

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I've wrote something along those lines nearly a week ago now.



theres one thing der spiegal didn't print the must have item on the black market is now a Syrian passport and people will kill to get hold of one.

Also, you cannot work in Germany if you can't speak German, once they get their papers stamped they can pretty much move around freely and Germany is under no obligation to restrict their movements.

Sorry, but Merkel is far from a Saint, just a smart operator.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 14:02 ----------


They are not getting what they want which is to choose where to go in the EU.







Can't we just give them to Scotland? some Scottish Islands would be ideal places for refugee camps, but then I suppose the Scots would just add that to their tally of historic grievances.:confused:

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Der Spiegel reports that 42% of asylum-seekers in Germany are actually economic migrants from the Balkans, and these are refused. Only 20% are from Syria. Don't believe all the sob-stories.

The Saudis and the Qataris must be ****** themselves laughing to see how gullible the EU is. These people should be re-settled in the Gulf they have the space, they speak the language and they need hundreds of thousands of workers.




Very interesting. So maybe Germany's plan isn't so bonkers after all. In fact they're probably doing the rest of Europe a favour if they become a hub for processing asylum seekers and can weed out and return almost 50% of those arriving.

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theres one thing der spiegal didn't print the must have item on the black market is now a Syrian passport and people will kill to get hold of one.

Also, you cannot work in Germany if you can't speak German, once they get their papers stamped they can pretty much move around freely and Germany is under no obligation to restrict their movements.

Sorry, but Merkel is far from a Saint, just a smart operator.







If you're talking about refugee status,then according to this,no they can't:



Yet, this freedom of movement and more importantly, the freedom of establishment enacted under Article 49 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, are realities which apply to almost all of us European citizens, including non-European legal residents, and which are not made available to the approximately 1.5 million refugee persons legally residing in the EU's 28 member states, nor to the 250,000 yearly newly recognized refugees in the EU. The latter are by way of their refugee status and in compliance with the Directive on Qualification, granted long-term residency. This residency is however restricted to the national territory where their asylum claims have been positively processed. But often times for these persons, these are not countries of first choice or priority as destination places.




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Very interesting. So maybe Germany's plan isn't so bonkers after all. In fact they're probably doing the rest of Europe a favour if they become a hub for processing asylum seekers and can weed out and return almost 50% of those arriving.


the only problem with that is/

quote/The Mayor of Munich said today, the "Balkan trail is fuller than ever".

And these numbers will likely increase.

Now we have 20000 arrivals per day here in Germany, which is an incredible rate of 7 millions per year, with subsequent family immigration perhaps 30 millions...



About 80% of arrivals are Muslim, 80% without documents, there are reports about large scale fraud with claimed or presented identities. The German embassy reports, that Afghanistan has issued 1 million new passports. Genuine Syrian passports can be bought in Turkey or even Germany. Hundreds of millions of people from Nigeria to Bangladesh wish to live in Europe (Gallup 2009). Millions of real refugees, now in refugee camps in Turkey, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq currently consider to migrate as well.


The most disturbing question is, if the immigration of multiple nations can now be stopped at all, if Germany and other European countries try to close their borders.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 15:23 ----------






EDIT - snap @ johncocker.


Doubly-worrying, considering the target destination for most is Germany, given the sheer number of Turkish nationals already living there from a long date. With reference to an earlier recent post in this thread or another, I still can't discern Merkel's end game. Surely she must know it's going to kick off majorly between large 'settled' ethnic groups and equally large 'newly-arrived' ethnic groups within Germany sooner or later :huh:


something else for the end game ,I don't know how true this is but Germany,I'm told is not a birthright citizenship country, and that substantial population of immigrant Turkish industrial workers and families could have their visas rescinded to make room for the influx of refugees. :huh:


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 15:41 ----------


This thread is like being treated to one long continuous rivers of blood speech.


can't wait for you to start saying' ''its the Aryan spring'':o:o:o


---------- Post added 11-09-2015 at 22:59 ----------



What are these other safe countries?


How's life in that echo chamber?


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 15:49 ----------



QUOTE=psynuk;11149824]oh come on. read it,


"When I was a kid, all you could hear on Sunday morning was church bells. Now all you see are minarets"


"Yet we are still inviting an alien culture into our midst."


The country is full; please check out population numbers - please don't show just how anglo-phobic you actually are - it is almost - almost - rascist the attitude that the UK citizens do not have a right to their country, their culture - athat we should welcome everyone, from wherever, in whatever number.


We cannot - and it is not fair to the UK citizens, NOR the immigrants - to be quite so childish and anglo-phobic. Do please grow up; 'value signalling' isn't working - you can see right through it; there are long term difficulties facing the eu - and just 'letting them all in' is not the answer to the problems these poor people face.


So stop the sneering - and think to the future.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 15:51 ----------


If the cap fits......



If the burqa fits............

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