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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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theres one thing der spiegal didn't print the must have item on the black market is now a Syrian passport and people will kill to get hold of one.

Also, you cannot work in Germany if you can't speak German, once they get their papers stamped they can pretty much move around freely and Germany is under no obligation to restrict their movements.

Sorry, but Merkel is far from a Saint, just a smart operator.


---------- Post added 13-09-2015 at 14:02 ----------







Can't we just give them to Scotland? some Scottish Islands would be ideal places for refugee camps, but then I suppose the Scots would just add that to their tally of historic grievances.:confused:


I'm surprised people are slow to pick up on this. German benevolence my arse! Process, give them status, then off wherever they want in Europe.

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From OPEN BORDERS to closed borders in just over a week !

Seems like things are working out pretty well eh ?

Saw a piece of news on the TV only a few days ago, where shops around the Bodrum region of Turkey were selling life jackets. Theres more to come i reckon and more chaos. :loopy:


Don't forget which way to vote folks when we have this EU referendum.

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It's just been reported that Germany is closing its open border with Austria and suspending Schengen.




So these immigrants have started to have a negative effect on the European way of life. And this is barely the start. The isil infiltrated Muslim invaders will eventually destroy it completely.

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So these immigrants have started to have a negative effect on the European way of life. And this is barely the start. The isil infiltrated Muslim invaders will eventually destroy it completely.


So how long until the European way of life, whatever that is, is destroyed?

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I'm surprised people are slow to pick up on this. German benevolence my arse! Process, give them status, then off wherever they want in Europe.


Not slow to pick up on it,they aren't off to wherever they want:


Yet, this freedom of movement and more importantly, the freedom of establishment enacted under Article 49 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, are realities which apply to almost all of us European citizens, including non-European legal residents, and which are not made available to the approximately 1.5 million refugee persons legally residing in the EU's 28 member states, nor to the 250,000 yearly newly recognized refugees in the EU. The latter are by way of their refugee status and in compliance with the Directive on Qualification, granted long-term residency. This residency is however restricted to the national territory where their asylum claims have been positively processed. But often times for these persons, these are not countries of first choice or priority as destination places.

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