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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Entirely predictable outcome; indeed on 27 August:

About time to go get the popcorn ready, methinks ;)


There's a few tens of thousands (if not more) of trans-border workers who are going to find their daily commute interesting in the days and weeks to come :(


As winter arrives, the migrants will all but stop due to the conditions in the Med. Their little boats wont last the journey. Over the winter the EU members will discuss the crisis and come spring next year they will still be talking. The whole process will start again but the EU country populations will be less sympathetic. Keep repeating until something breaks.

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all a bit predictable sadly. We've allowed ISIS into Europe - good going bleeding heart fools


I don't agree with the revolving door to the UK for anyone who claims to be scared but that is an old photo, It has be found on the internet from 2012.


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My bold=

Why should I have to? :rolleyes:

Been over that time and again, mafya.


It's in the interest of the moderate Muslim majority to help and, perhaps more importantly even, to be seen to be helping...unless that majority is just happy to blindly wait for its very own Kristallnacht, of course. Whilever this sort of debate is allowed to happen and is painted by the media as a 'normal' aspect of Muslim life, the hate will only build.


If you think this won't ever happen, your faith in human nature is sadly misplaced, and you might want to heed the sharp right turn of European street-level politics over the past 2 to 3 years, and still accelerating. The number of prominent politicians in EU Member States going on record to request Christian-only immigrants is increasing, any and all political correctness and conformism be damned.


After all, it's not as if that very scenario hasn't played out dozens of time over decades and longer, nor as if history doesn't repeat itself time and again :(

Edited by L00b
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It may appear it may not represent exactly what it purports to. However as an eyecatcher, it works. There may be only a few ISIS fighters, but considering how unpleasant they are (torturing people to death, skinning them alive, burning people alive), we have to ask how keen we are to risk having them here.

Yes of course I feel very sorry for the genuine refugees.

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It's awful.


I've said many of times that if I was from such 'countries', I would most certainly be amongst the migrants seeking a better life (merely a life that offers human rights) at the borders of Calais, or wherever I could get.


They aren't just a problem that needs to be solved. They are people. What if it was you?


I, personally, would like the EU to spread them out equally between all its nations. I don't know how feasible that is, but who cares? They may well face death in their own countries, no human deserves that (well.... few, anyway)

why don.t other muslim take them ,have they got more sense than us?

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