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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Being a refugee isn't a crime; wanting your children to grow up in peace isn't a crime, fleeing war and persecution isn't a crime.
I'll see your rethoric, and raise you this.

Italy’s simmering anti-immigrant sentiment has been stoked by the murder of an elderly couple in their home in Sicily, allegedly by an African asylum seeker.


Mamadou Kamara, an 18-year-old from the Ivory Coast, allegedly slit the throat of Vincenzo Solano, 68, and then attacked his Spanish-born wife, Mercedes Ibanez, 70.


Ms Ibanez fell to her death from a second-floor balcony, during a robbery that turned violent.

There are genuine refugees in genuine need of asylum. We know. Most of us posters on here are grown ups with two brain cells, reason and empathy.


There are also criminal opportunists in equally-genuine need of identification and eviction prior to the sort of events above occurring. And that is, preferably prior to the sort of events above occurring throughout the EU. Out of a million and a bit coming over, statistically alone that'll be a fair few.


The "You're not wanting to take them all in = you're all racistophobes" line of argument just doesn't hold any worth. At all.


It's intellectually insulting, being as cretinous as its "don't take any in, chuck them all out" antithesis.


Enough with the "won't someone think of the children" one-liner posts already.

Edited by L00b
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@Halibut and I1L2T3- you are lone voices in a sea of condemnation. Your tenacity in sticking with your views is laudable. You both seem compassionate and want everyone to have a chance of a better life. However, it would be interesting to know how you see this problem unfolding and what Europe can do in a moral and practical sense. Do you think that they should continue to accept millions of people from not only Syria but all over Africa? If so, do you truly think that the rights of these people outweighs the safety, security, welfare and cultural identity of citizens of the European union? Can you admit to this?


It is thought that among these immigrants are IS infiltrators. With this, the threat of deaths and warfare in Europe comes ever closer. The one country that doesn't seem to have IS terrorists is Japan and you don't have to look far to see why.

Edited by Jomie
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80% are without papers apparently. How does that happen?


Usually any papers held would be handed over to the people tasked with getting the refugees into Europe. They are deliberately destroyed (or kept) knowing full well that it is harder to remove someone without the proper documentation. It is also harder to obtain travel documentation if you cannot demonstrate that the person is from the country that they claim to be. Obviously countries are not wanting to accept someone if their nationality cannot be proven.


Some are genuinely lost or destroyed when making the journey into the E.U.

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Responding with a disjointed lot of questions, to which you now claim you don't want any answers?

How so?


Look, it's simple. I start off by saying that the EU keeps a rule until the rule becomes inconvenient, at which point it gets ignored. You query this.


I respond by pointing out that the Lisbon Treaty said no bailouts; which was ignored.


That the Dublin agreement that determines the EU Member State responsible to examine an application for asylum is being ignored as we speak.


That the UK has an opt out on taking migrants, which we under pressure to give up.


I think that these are examples of EU rules being ignored; why would you think differently?

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Being a refugee isn't a crime; wanting your children to grow up in peace isn't a crime, fleeing war and persecution isn't a crime.


But they haven't made it illegal to be a refugee, they have made it illegal to be an illegal immigrant. Surely even you can know the difference. They have a serious problem over there. They need to do something about it.

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Merkel now wants to distribute all the migrants she invited to Germany around the rest of the EU. Given that the suspension of movement is allegedly only temporary, what's to stop the Hungarians (for example) passing a law in the meantime saying if you haven't paid Hungarian taxes for a minimum of 5 years you have no access to our welfare system? And then issuing free rail tickets straight back to Germany?

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