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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Why did Britain need the help of others in WWII? :rolleyes:


Because when the French, Poles came over to Britain, as Hitlers barmy armies were eating up Europe, they dusted themselves down, then got back in the fight. I wouldn't expect the same displays of bravery from the young Syrians chickening out of a fight even if they were given the tools to do so.

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You could have a plan there. Just like there were regiments and squadrons made up of foreign fighters in WW1 and WW2, do the same again, give them the training, organisation and weapons. They will get board and lodgings in barracks and the chance to declare the loyalty to a nation that welcomes them.


Set up a Free Syrian Regiment of the British Army, and a Free Pakistan Regiment, a Free Afghan Regiment, a Free Iraqi Regiment. Pop them on a boat to Syria and they can work their way across the Middle East. We can take a bit of oil as payment for helping them to make the Middle East a decent place to live alongside Israel.


What do you think?

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Why did Britain need the help of others in WWII? :rolleyes:
Your analogy is wrong.


Back then, it was the whole of Europe under Nazi rule who needed the help of others, and Britain was doing much of the helping to local resistance movements, eventually with the assistance of the US.

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Urban NIMBYs moving to small villages in the countryside and, within months, petitioning to stop the (centuries old-) daily ringing of the angelus by the local Church.


There will always be intolerance and all cultures and religions have their fair share of idiots... doesn't change the fact that our society has become generally more tolerant as we have become less religious.


No, but then again, there is no reason why refugee should all be tarred with the same brush. Not all are Muslims. Provided that respective countries can avoid ghettoization (I'd actually advocate for forcefully avoiding ghettoization if need be), integration can be achieved.


The reason they are all effectively tarred with the same brush is because the liberal elite decided to widen the definition of racism to include religion and culture. In their effort to to silence legitimate criticism of certain foreign practices, and the multicultural concept itself, they have made it impossible to select and reject along cultural or religious lines without it being deemed racism. That being the case, most people would choose collective rejection rather than collective acceptance.


Have you spoken to any Syrian refugees lately? A family friend who works with Medecine Sans Frontieres was in Serbia and Greece for three weeks this summer and reports some of the refugees have firmly turned their back on Islam, it is after all the Islamic State trying to kill them.


Not spoken to any but consistently see the pictures of them on the news. Still praying to Allah and still wearing their headscarfs. I don't see much evidence that they have rejected Islam. Besides, see above, people like you have been lecturing us for years that it is racist to treat people differently for their religious choices. You have created the situation where it is collective acceptance or rejection and most people fall on the side of rejection.


I'd also like to know how many second and third generation Pakistani people you know, because none of them that I know are 'intolerant, factional and violent'. The older generations I have met aren't either.


I think you will find that those with extremist beliefs tend not to share that information with others... which might explain why you don't know any.


I do however know that approx 100 people are being reported each day as potential extremists. I do know that hundreds, probably thousands, of young people from the British Pakistani community have turned their back on their country and chosen to fight for intolerant and murderous Islamist groups. I also know that many more symathise with extremist views - 27% of British Muslims openly admitted to sympathising with the motives behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks. You can try to spin it as much as you like but we all know there is an extremism problem.


Many of the more affluent refugees from Syria are secular, some of them may even be Baathists, the ones that we will take from the camps are likely to be much poorer , much more religious, perhaps more intolerant of other religions, etc, and in many cases uneducated and in many cases traumatised. Not saying they shouldn't be rescued, but it is a very long term commitment.


People from outside the EU can apply for visas and if they are affluent and/or have skills we need then there is every chance they will gain entry to this country. Unfortunately, as you point out, the vast majority will not fall into that category.

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Why the eyes roll? Are you insulting the UK's effort or disrespecting the efforts of those who lived and fought ver this time?


Stop trying to twist it, did you not read my post where I state my grandfather was in the Indian army and actually fought in WWII? :rolleyes:

The eyes roll is for you just so we are clear.

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Genuine question, are all these ''refugees'' who mainly seem to be young men as some seem to have noticed, but are they the same sort who just a month or so ago killed all the Christians that were with them on a boat and threw them overboard ? and a few similar incidents I seem to remember.

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