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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Genuine question, are all these ''refugees'' who mainly seem to be young men as some seem to have noticed, but are they the same sort who just a month or so ago killed all the Christians that were with them on a boat and threw them overboard ? and a few similar incidents I seem to remember.


You cant really blame them - it's a popular sport in Syria :mad:

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Stop trying to twist it, did you not read my post where I state my grandfather was in the Indian army and actually fought in WWII? :rolleyes:

The eyes roll is for you just so we are clear.


Brains and not necessarily hereditary. What your grandfather did and what you do are two different things.


So I'lll ask again, why the comment with the eyes roll?


---------- Post added 16-09-2015 at 15:07 ----------


Is anyone else watching the breaking news showing the people on the Hungarian boarder attacking the police with bricks because they can't cross.

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Brains and not necessarily hereditary. What your grandfather did and what you do are two different things.


So I'lll ask again, why the comment with the eyes roll?


---------- Post added 16-09-2015 at 15:07 ----------


Is anyone else watching the breaking news showing the people on the Hungarian boarder attacking the police with bricks because they can't cross.


just been watching Sky news showing the migrants rioting on the Hungarian Border, missiles and rocks being thrown by mainly young men, quite rightly the Hungarian Police are trying to keep them back under intense provocation, how long before warning shots are fired???

i hope the rest of Europe are taking note of the measures needed to repel these invaders?? take note Mr Cameron and maybe send those water cannons that Boris Johnson ordered to our border crossings i think we are going to need them!!!

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There will always be intolerance and all cultures and religions have their fair share of idiots... doesn't change the fact that our society has become generally more tolerant as we have become less religious.


Can I see the evidence for the causal relationship you claim here? Are you insinuating christianity is not a tolerant religion?


The reason they are all effectively tarred with the same brush is because the liberal elite decided to widen the definition of racism to include religion and culture. In their effort to to silence legitimate criticism of certain foreign practices, and the multicultural concept itself, they have made it impossible to select and reject along cultural or religious lines without it being deemed racism. That being the case, most people would choose collective rejection rather than collective acceptance.


You are right, we should use the appropriate term more frequently: bigotry.


Not spoken to any but consistently see the pictures of them on the news. Still praying to Allah and still wearing their headscarfs. I don't see much evidence that they have rejected Islam. Besides, see above, people like you have been lecturing us for years that it is racist to treat people differently for their religious choices. You have created the situation where it is collective acceptance or rejection and most people fall on the side of rejection.


Excellent source, you do of course realise that people who suffer from bigotry are usually subjective to what they choose to see and read? A week ago there was a documentary of a Syrian girl, early twenties, well educated, fluent in English, no headscarf and with money, making the journey to Sweden.


I think you will find that those with extremist beliefs tend not to share that information with others... which might explain why you don't know any.


I do however know that approx 100 people are being reported each day as potential extremists. I do know that hundreds, probably thousands, of young people from the British Pakistani community have turned their back on their country and chosen to fight for intolerant and murderous Islamist groups. I also know that many more symathise with extremist views - 27% of British Muslims openly admitted to sympathising with the motives behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks. You can try to spin it as much as you like but we all know there is an extremism problem.


Right... so what you are saying in defence of your bigot position is that 73% of Muslims in Britain do not object to the depiction of Allah or freedom of speech, and 27% that they do. You do realise that this does not mean that 27% of muslims in Britain endorsed the attack? They sympathised with the motive, not quite the same, is it?


People from outside the EU can apply for visas and if they are affluent and/or have skills we need then there is every chance they will gain entry to this country. Unfortunately, as you point out, the vast majority will not fall into that category.


You do realise what the cost is of packing your things, hiring a people smuggler and making the journey across is? Not exactly cheap. I'd say that the narrow-minded, bigoted and poor Syrians are either fighting for Isis or one of the other factions already. It is the ones that don't want to fight that are fleeing.

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Sympathizing with this rotten scum is as bad as joining in. Its not a racial problem, as any muslim who chooses to sympathize or even join the cause needs to get a reality check. Its 2015 and extreme religious beliefs have no place in modern society.

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Brains and not necessarily hereditary. What your grandfather did and what you do are two different things.


So I'lll ask again, why the comment with the eyes roll?[COLOR="Silver"]


---------- Post added 16-09-2015 at 15:07 ----------


[/color]Is anyone else watching the breaking news showing the people on the Hungarian boarder attacking the police with bricks because they can't cross.


My bold=

If you can't work that out you are not very bright are you? :rolleyes:

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Are you insinuating Christianity is not a tolerant religion?
Objectively, given its record of tolerance over its 2,000-odd year old history...about as tolerant as Islam, all things considered.


We're very lucky to be Europeans and to live in these enlightened times (though you might also want to thank you lucky stars you're not Irish).

Edited by L00b
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Objectively, given its record of tolerance over its 2,000-odd year old history...about as tolerant as Islam, all things considered.


We're very lucky to be Europeans and to live in these enlightened times (though you might also want to thank you lucky stars you're not Irish).


It certainly has been awful over the years, but and it's a BIG BUT, the only followers of a religion that is a threat to us In UK at the moment is Islam

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