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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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I think you will find I have repeatedly stated my position AGAINST mass migration into the EU from the Middle East and Africa, I will state it again unequivocally: I think it is a terrible idea and we need to get a move on, clear part of Syria and assure people can go back home. Once that is done we can do the same in other parts of the world.

how do we do that then :loopy:


As a staunch British Nationalist I thought you especially would be familiar with the concept of empire? We send in the gunboats dear.


Any non-Sunni ethnic groups in that number? You would expect some Shia considering the population figures.


I would doubt any others are there.


No Gulf country has signed the UN Convention on Refugees, which sets standards for the treatment and rights of those fleeing to a new country. Gulf states have been among the most ardent opponents of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, providing funds and weapons for rebel groups fighting him



No "migrants" refugees have made it to the Kingdom, unless they arrived via plane with a visa already. That's since the Saudi's starting arming rebels to overthrow Assad over four years ago. Before IS "emerged".



Saudi Arabia generously takes in hundreds of thousands of destitute foreigners every year.


And generously works them til they drop, generously claws back most of their wages, and then generously kicks them out.


I don't really care how the Saudi's sorted things or not and even less about your interpretation of it. You said I claimed Saudi had taken 500K refugees, I hadn't. You also targeted me as someone who wants mass-migration, I don't.


I am merely pointing out how short-sighted a lot of people here are in their frothing islamophobia and using that as a means to slate these people, without offering solutions. Pretty much what you are doing, by the way.

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Polish refugees welcomed by Iran during WWII =


Refugees from France arrive in Cassablanca 1943 =


These were Muslim country's that welcomed refugees during WWII, some of the anti refugee brigade seem to have short memories.

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Can I see the evidence for the causal relationship you claim here? Are you insinuating christianity is not a tolerant religion?


I provided evidence of us becoming less religious i.e. a halving in the number of people attending church.


The evidence of increased tolerance, during a period of religious decline, might be the legalising of gay sex, the introduction of the sex discrimination act, the race discrimination act, equal pay act and the equalities act. More women voted into parliament, a woman Home Secretary and PM. A decline in support for racist groups like the NF and BNP. Gays allowed to join the armed services. There are also lots of reports and surveys to show changing attitudes over the years that also confirm we have become far more tolerant.


I can't believe you actually needed this 'evidenced'?!?


You are right, we should use the appropriate term more frequently: bigotry.


Another word oversubscribed like antibiotics to the point of having no effect.


I don't like the problems associated with Islamic culture and I certainly don't want to pay for the privilege of bringing more of it to our country. If that makes me (and most of the population) a bigot then I don't really care.


Excellent source, you do of course realise that people who suffer from bigotry are usually subjective to what they choose to see and read? A week ago there was a documentary of a Syrian girl, early twenties, well educated, fluent in English, no headscarf and with money, making the journey to Sweden.


I have also heard that many Muslims are now claiming to have converted to Christianity to avoid deportation on the grounds that it would be a death sentence. Their behaviour is indicative of the culture they flee where dishonesty, fraud and bribery are social norms. I don't want them here.


As for the educated, rich girl from Syria - I have already said we should welcome the useful through the normal visa application process.


Right... so what you are saying in defence of your bigot position is that 73% of Muslims in Britain do not object to the depiction of Allah or freedom of speech, and 27% that they do. You do realise that this does not mean that 27% of muslims in Britain endorsed the attack? They sympathised with the motive, not quite the same, is it?


My view is that it is extreme to feel such anger about a cartoon and to not be able to accept criticism of your religion. In the Muslim world their religion is off limits but not here. It is evidence that a sizeable minority (perhaps a million British Muslims) do not agree with the principles of religious freedom and freedom of speech. This is a problem and one that will be even more prevalent amongst Muslims who have been brought up in a strict Muslim country. I don't want them here because the evidence is they will not integrate and it is stupid gamble to take i.e. we have nothing to win and only something to lose.


You do realise what the cost is of packing your things, hiring a people smuggler and making the journey across is? Not exactly cheap. I'd say that the narrow-minded, bigoted and poor Syrians are either fighting for Isis or one of the other factions already. It is the ones that don't want to fight that are fleeing.


You do realise that doesn't change a thing?


The bottom line is most people don't want them here and the number in that camp is growing... the arguments for more tolerance and generosity have failed. If these refugees/migrants are pushed onto people regardless of there wishes then there will be a backlash against both the migrants and the politics that brought them here. The liberals are pushing to seize more ground and in doing so they are going to eventually be overwhelmed and actually lose ground that it has taken decades to win. It is self-defeating. It is time to accept the need to respect other peoples wishes even and cut the loses.

Edited by Zamo
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Some of these migrants are not even civilised as they were putting their own children into harms way in order to gain the sympathy of the people but even animals protect their young so any sympathy I had for them as gone, as people who do what they have done are not people who I would want in our country.


The attitude which they are showing at the present is that on invaders who are dictating to the countries who are trying to help them as to where they will go and under their terms and not being grateful of the help which was being offered to them.


It is reported that Hungary as closed the border for 30 days which will give every one time to calm down and realise that mob rule only brings about confrontation.

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I provided evidence of us becoming less religious i.e. a halving in the number of people attending church.


The evidence of increased tolerance, during a period of religious decline, might be the legalising of gay sex, the introduction of the sex discrimination act, the race discrimination act, equal pay act and the equalities act. More women voted into parliament, a woman Home Secretary and PM. A decline in support for racist groups like the NF and BNP. Gays allowed to join the armed services. There are also lots of reports and surveys to show changing attitudes over the years that also confirm we have become far more tolerant.


I can't believe you actually needed this 'evidenced'?!?


Causal relationship: A relationship between two factors that whereby one causes the other.


That is what I asked for, you can't provide it. An increase in the storks that migrate to Europe as well as the number of newborn human beings does not prove that storks deliver babies.



Another word oversubscribed like antibiotics to the point of having no effect.


I don't like the problems associated with Islamic culture and I certainly don't want to pay for the privilege of bringing more of it to our country. If that makes me (and most of the population) a bigot then I don't really care.

That is where the problem is.


I have also heard that many Muslims are now claiming to have converted to Christianity to avoid deportation on the grounds that it would be a death sentence. Their behaviour is indicative of the culture they flee where dishonesty, fraud and bribery are social norms. I don't want them here.


Who is them? You mean anybody who is from the Middle-East? Never mind the bigotry tag, I'll flip it back to racist on the evidence of this statement.


As for the educated, rich girl from Syria - I have already said we should welcome the useful through the normal visa application process.
and how does she apply for that? She is from a warzone.


My view is that it is extreme to feel such anger about a cartoon and to not be able to accept criticism of your religion. In the Muslim world their religion is off limits but not here. It is evidence that a sizeable minority (perhaps a million British Muslims) do not agree with the principles of religious freedom and freedom of speech. This is a problem and one that will be even more prevalent amongst Muslims who have been brought up in a strict Muslim country. I don't want them here because the evidence is they will not integrate and it is stupid gamble to take i.e. we have nothing to win and only something to lose.


Do you agree with the principle of human rights? I recall you copying DC in his calls to scrap them because they were inconvenient. I hate CCTV and think it should be banned everywhere, but I have to live with it. RonJeremy hates paying taxes, but he has to live with it. Simple fact is that just because something is law or a principle, we don't all have to agree with it.


You used those figures to make it appear like a huge proportion of the muslim community in Britain was happy that the people at Charlie Hebdo were slaughtered. It is about interpretation of the facts and you fail at it.


You do realise that doesn't change a thing?


The bottom line is most people don't want them here and the number in that camp is growing... the arguments for more tolerance and generosity have failed. If these refugees/migrants are pushed onto people regardless of there wishes then there will be a backlash against both the migrants and the politics that brought them here. The liberals are pushing to seize more ground and in doing so they are going to eventually be overwhelmed and actually lose ground that it has taken decades to win. It is self-defeating. It is time to accept the need to respect other peoples wishes even and cut the loses.


Who is most people? Where is your evidence base? Most people don't want to pay tax, sometimes you just have to put up with it. Why can't you accept the need to respect other peoples wishes?

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I think it was other countries who needed OUR help !


Germany invaded most of mainland Europe not the U K , it was the U K which was at the front of stopping them invading all of Europe as quite a few countries had been over run and had been forced to surrender to Germany.

but this is off topic

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Some of these migrants are not even civilised as they were putting their own children into harms way in order to gain the sympathy of the people but even animals protect their young so any sympathy I had for them as gone, as people who do what they have done are not people who I would want in our country.


The attitude which they are showing at the present is that on invaders who are dictating to the countries who are trying to help them as to where they will go and under their terms and not being grateful of the help which was being offered to them.


It is reported that Hungary as closed the border for 30 days which will give every one time to calm down and realise that mob rule only brings about confrontation.


Well done Hungary!! at last a government has the guts to stand up and refuse these Migrants entry, the migrants proved themselves in the way they acted towards the Hungarian police, this is not over by a long way and other EU countries should do the same to stop the swarms coming, god help us if they reach UK shores, will our government be strong enough to resist??? if we dont we will see far worse scenes here in England.

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Well done Hungary!! at last a government has the guts to stand up and refuse these Migrants entry, the migrants proved themselves in the way they acted towards the Hungarian police, this is not over by a long way and other EU countries should do the same to stop the swarms coming, god help us if they reach UK shores, will our government be strong enough to resist??? if we dont we will see far worse scenes here in England.


Tell us what we will see............paint a picture for us,it may keep some awake at night,but we have to know...............will god help us?...........onward christian soldiers................

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Well done Hungary!! at last a government has the guts to stand up and refuse these Migrants entry, the migrants proved themselves in the way they acted towards the Hungarian police, this is not over by a long way and other EU countries should do the same to stop the swarms coming, god help us if they reach UK shores, will our government be strong enough to resist??? if we dont we will see far worse scenes here in England.


If they were football supporters, they would be labelled hooligans .

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