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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Illegal immigrants try to break the law by forcefully ignoring legal borders, throwing stones, starting riots. BBC leads with...


"Migrants tear-gassed by Hungary police".


Dear oh dear. :rolleyes:


The one sided nature of the BBC propaganda machine is shameful. I want my licence fee back.

Switch to Channel 4.


Unlike the BBC, at least they had the editorial good faith of showing how the migrants (all young men by the green gate, then the fall-back metal gates) started to kick off, throw missiles and hit the policemen's riot shields before the Hungarian police eventually responded (I did note how the BBC news footage didn't show a single migrant throwing anything).


I just can't fathom the idea of an asylum seeker deciding to take on riot police in full gear. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised in the least to learn that this was the work of agents provocateurs (intelligence agents? ISIL? far right? who knows) infiltrating amongst the migrants.


Considering the numbers, can't blame the Hungarians though. And, lest anyone forgets, they're enforcing EU law.

Edited by L00b
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Causal relationship: A relationship between two factors that whereby one causes the other.


It isn't just the UK. The secular nations of the world are consistently more tolerant and fair than those dominated by religion... especially Islam. You can write it off as a coincidence if you like but I think most people would agree with me.


That is where the problem is.


The problem is that you have no solutions that address people's concerns about Islamic culture. All you can do is try and pretend it is an imaginary problem and/or try to silence people with accusations of racism and bigotry... but it doesn't work. Take a look at the decline of Labour and the Lib Dem's and see the rise of UKIP and the Tories. It's over. The argument for you is lost.


Who is them? You mean anybody who is from the Middle-East? Never mind the bigotry tag, I'll flip it back to racist on the evidence of this statement.


'Them' is all the refugees. We aren't apparently permitted to discriminate along cultural or religious lines so most people, when presented with an all or none choice dictated by the liberal elite, pick none.


The problem with any immigration policy is that you can also spin it as racist because it unavoidably discriminates against foreigners. You make stupid arguments.


and how does she apply for that? She is from a warzone.


She applies for asylum in the first safe country she reaches and then makes an appliation to go wherever. Here's a link if she is thinking of coming to the UK... send it on to her.


Do you agree with the principle of human rights? I recall you copying DC in his calls to scrap them because they were inconvenient. I hate CCTV and think it should be banned everywhere, but I have to live with it. RonJeremy hates paying taxes, but he has to live with it. Simple fact is that just because something is law or a principle, we don't all have to agree with it.


I think the idea of human rights has gone too far. I know for certain that we do not possess the will or the resource to uphold them for all people of the world.


You used those figures to make it appear like a huge proportion of the muslim community in Britain was happy that the people at Charlie Hebdo were slaughtered. It is about interpretation of the facts and you fail at it.


I was clear what the 27% said... they sympathise with the motives of the attack. They do not believe in religious freedom, freedom of speech and they react with outrage and anger to those who dare criticise their beliefs. It is why Muslim countries have failed to develop and why dark age notions persist. Those persisting attitudes clearly evidence that, several generation in, integration and alignment with British values is still a long way off. Bringing more Muslim in, with even more entrenched views, is a step back and most people are will to pay a price to increase a problem.


Who is most people? Where is your evidence base? Most people don't want to pay tax, sometimes you just have to put up with it. Why can't you accept the need to respect other peoples wishes?


Here is a poll by the BBC for starters.


The difference between accepting migrants and paying taxes is that one is a grudging necessity and the offer isn't. Get t?

Edited by Zamo
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Switch to Channel 4.


Unlike the BBC, at least they had the editorial good faith of showing how the migrants (all young men by the green gate, then the fall-back metal gates) started to kick off, throw missiles and hit the policemen's riot shields before the Hungarian police eventually responded (I did note how the BBC news footage didn't show a single migrant throwing anything).


I just can't fathom the idea of an asylum seeker deciding to take on riot police in full gear. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised in the least to learn that this was the work of agents provocateurs (intelligence agents? ISIL? far right? who knows) infiltrating amongst the migrants.


Considering the numbers, can't blame the Hungarians though. And, lest anyone forgets, they're enforcing EU law.


Very true. The bit in bold.

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Of course not. Cameron is happy to take hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year.


he may not have a choice as the migrants have quite clearly shown today in Hungary that they are quite prepared to use violence to get what they want?

and regarding the 4000 per year we have agreed to once they are settled how long before they demand the rest of their relatives join them????

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he may not have a choice as the migrants have quite clearly shown today in Hungary that they are quite prepared to use violence to get what they want?

and regarding the 4000 per year we have agreed to once they are settled how long before they demand the rest of their relatives join them????



4,000 a year is a tiny amount really. Cameron knows what he's doing. Just be thankful Labour didn't win the election. They have been talking about 6 figure numbers, and that was before Comrade Corbyn was officially elevated to esteemed leader.

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Polish refugees welcomed by Iran during WWII =


Refugees from France arrive in Cassablanca 1943 =


These were Muslim country's that welcomed refugees during WWII, some of the anti refugee brigade seem to have short memories.

What about those from Armenia?

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Switch to Channel 4.


Unlike the BBC, at least they had the editorial good faith of showing how the migrants (all young men by the green gate, then the fall-back metal gates) started to kick off, throw missiles and hit the policemen's riot shields before the Hungarian police eventually responded (I did note how the BBC news footage didn't show a single migrant throwing anything).


I just can't fathom the idea of an asylum seeker deciding to take on riot police in full gear. Then again, I wouldn't be surprised in the least to learn that this was the work of agents provocateurs (intelligence agents? ISIL? far right? who knows) infiltrating amongst the migrants.


Considering the numbers, can't blame the Hungarians though. And, lest anyone forgets, they're enforcing EU law.


BBC World showed everything,including migrants breaking down fencing,throwing missiles and climbing on top of the duty free cabin.

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