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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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The sensible thing to do would have been for the EU to fund a huge safe complex for these refugees somewhere near Syria, rather than have them try to enter Europe.


Indeed. The solution must be palatable for the vast majority or it is the wrong solution. One side must accept the cost of providing safety and the other must accept these people can't come here. It is a deal that neither side will like but both can live with... and so can the migrants. Compromise.

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Talk about closing the stable door after the horse has bolted!


The worst thing was Germany's announcement that they'd take 500,000 a year. How many people set off on the road as soon as they heard that? How many could be on the road now? One million? Two million? That was the game changer.

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Germany have been very crafty in all this. They got lots of praise initially for being so generous letting all those refugees in, but what they appear to have done is cynically cherry-picked the "best" of them, the fittest, most skilled and wealthiest etc, and once the felt they had enough, have now shut the door, leaving the rest of Europe to have most of what Germany might perceive as the less desirable ones.

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Who will be doing the rioting?


here's a clue,


Turks and Kurds fighting each other in Stockholm, Frankfurt, Bern.


Wait while some of the others get going, it seems they can't stay and fight in their own countries they have to export violence.

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it showed 3 or 4 women and a couple of kids who shouldnt have been anywhere near, all those brave young men using them to show the world it was not just men???:roll: really?? the percentage was at least 90% young men:roll:


There was absolutely loads of women and children there. You are just seeing what you want to see.

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BBC World showed everything,including migrants breaking down fencing,throwing missiles and climbing on top of the duty free cabin.
BBC1 6 o'clock news didn't. It just showed shots of the CS gas and water jets, then of migrants including kids fleeing and then washing the CS off their faces. 10 o'clock news may have had different footage (haven't seen the 10 oc). C4 at 19:00 showed the lot.


I agree with Alan and I1L2T3 about Germany. Merkel should be presented with the bill. She caused all this nearly single-handedly. She can sue Erdogan for an indemnification by her lonesome self. But then, she runs the EU, sooo...

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There was absolutely loads of women and children there. You are just seeing what you want to see.


So what were women and children doing at the front of the rioting masses?

Any sensible person would have got well out of the way, it was pretty obvious what was going to happen.

Or were they there deliberately to try to stop any action from the hungarian border force taking place?


Hungary has a right to defend its border and people when they are under attack.

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