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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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That's what I thought. You advocate following the moral compass towards Utopia and refusing to navigate around dangerous obstacles as a matter of principle. The fact that the obstacle may cause much damage and push you further away from your Utopia doesn't matter because the outcome is secondary to the principle. You're an idiot.


I don't have any idea what Utopia you are talking about,but you are not speaking for me as I am not seeking any type of Utopia,the rest,and the insults are the usual Rightie reaction to somebody who they cant understand or who disagrees with the way they think,and it's entirely predictable.I would give up the amateur psychology if I were you............you're making a bigger fool of yourself than you usually do.

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You've had the answer a few times now,go and ask somebody else for their personal answer,one that may be more to your liking.


I categorically have not had an answer from you to the questions i actually asked!

You sidestepped them, but like i say dont bother.


---------- Post added 18-09-2015 at 12:09 ----------


I'll repeat this once more.........the Karma I am talking about was about the racist camerawoman,nothing at all to do with anything that you are talking about,I have never even mentioned the Berlin police,you did that all on your own about a completely unconnected story..........if you want to connect what I wrote to what you are talking about,that is entirely up to you.


I see you also take issue when people do the same!

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The BBC just interviewed someone from The International Organisation on Migration who have stated that of the 400,000+ migrants that have entered the EU this year, approx 40% are Syrian, compared to 25-30% last year. Of the remaining 60% they are made up of Afghans, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis etc.

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I categorically have not had an answer from you to the questions i actually asked!

You sidestepped them, but like i say dont bother.


Yes,you're looking for the answer you want to hear,personally,from somebody else.........good luck.


---------- Post added 18-09-2015 at 11:10 ----------


I categorically have not had an answer from you to the questions i actually asked!

You sidestepped them, but like i say dont bother.


---------- Post added 18-09-2015 at 12:09 ----------



I see you also take issue when people do the same!


Take what issue?

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When someone doesnt answer what you asked!


Ill make this easy for you,heres the questions i asked:-


"Are you interested in the rights of anyone that isnt a muslim?

And dont you think its a co-incedence that this has happened to the guy who tripped? Media manipulation at its finest."


Now do you still think that spain can answer my questions to you?

Or anyone else for that matter?

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The BBC just interviewed someone from The International Organisation on Migration who have stated that of the 400,000+ migrants that have entered the EU this year, approx 40% are Syrian, compared to 25-30% last year. Of the remaining 60% they are made up of Afghans, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis etc.
In other recent news:
  • 500,000 Nigerian kids have been displaced away from Boko Haram's areas of operation in the past 3 months;
  • IS' alleged temporization for consolidating territorial gains is anything but, considering they started knocking on Damascus' suburbian door in the past 2 weeks;
  • the alleged 10,000 IS combatants taken out by drones to date really amount to 1,500;
  • the alleged no.2 IS commander was in fact the guy responsible for their rolling stock (not even the ops or logistics commander)

Just keeping tabs on the context to the current consequences we're seeing. They're not ending anytime soon, you just wait until spring 2016.


Meanwhile, the EU leaders are meeting next week to discuss migrants, not a meeting even announced about IS, and a deafening silence across the Pond.


No rush, lads :|

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When someone doesnt answer what you asked!


Ill make this easy for you,heres the questions i asked:-


"Are you interested in the rights of anyone that isnt a muslim?

And dont you think its a co-incedence that this has happened to the guy who tripped? Media manipulation at its finest."


Now do you still think that spain can answer my questions to you?

Or anyone else for that matter?


Yes,Spain does hold the answer for you...........first of all,it is Spanish policy to take in 17,000 immigrants/refugees/asylum seekers,this guy and his family are some of them.

The people who gave him the job.........you ask them if media manipulation was the reason that they gave him the job,I can't answer for them.

I'm not religious,so I don't pay any particular attention to Muslim rights,or any other religion rights for that matter........in fact,I don't think that I have ever written the word 'Muslim' on this forum until now...........does that give you a clue on whether I am particularly interested in Muslim rights?.............everybody elses rights are subject to the laws of the land,we all know what they are and there are processes available if you think that your rights are being infringed in any way..........personally,I don't have any problems,and never have had.

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I suppose half an answer was better than none!

Even if i dont believe a word of it!


I asked you if you thought it was a coincedence?

That has nothing to do with spain or what happened does it!


The people you need to ask are in Spain,I can't speak for them............like I always said,you are not getting the answer you want to hear,even to the extent of saying that I am lying to you.:loopy:

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