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Poor migrants from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan

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Sorry,but when somebody starts to post to me with an implied statement that I am interested in Muslim rights with no evidence whatsoever to support it,it tells me everything about them and says nothing obtuse about me.

The fact that when you got an answer,you then called me a liar makes me even more sure that I gave you exactly the answers you deserved to get.


No implied statement, just a direct question.

You answered and i accept your answer,even though i am allowed to be sceptical.


So you only answer questions to those you deem worthy of your response? That in itself is very telling.

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We are one of the richest countries in the world. With a democracy and freedoms second to none.
That doesn't answer the question....
I wonder if TJC1 thinks that situation happened as the result of British socio-economical progress and evolution borne from essentially British-cum-European-cum-Christian socio-cultural values, or by sheer blind luck and happenstance?


People who believe in magic money trees tend to believe the second and try and make people feel guilty about it and all. Hopefully TJC1 is not one of them, but I can't be sure yet.

Problem with the british, we have no confidence in ourselves..europe is looking at us and laughing.
The only laughing I'm seeing right now is directed at Brussels and comes from the rest of the world. Including the UK. With those who laugh hardest to be found both generally south west of Egypt and across the Atlantic.


Don't worry too much about the image of the UK in that context. The UK will continue to make people envious just fine ;)

A poll conducted in Germany, over half thought we should take more asylum seekers.
Did that poll remind the Germans that the UK has been spending more and for longer than Germany towards assisting refugees in peripheral camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, before asking them if they feel like sharing some of their newly-found 800,000-strong wealth?


Didn't think so.


They should repeat the same poll in every EU Member State part of the (ex-)Schengen area. I can predict the result already: Schengen opt-outs like the UK and Schengen shelvers like Hungary must take more.


Now, there's a surprise: I thought all those refugees were doctors, engineers and other highly-qualified professionals who were going to pay German pensions in years and decades to come? What's happened? :huh:

Edited by L00b
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We are one of the richest countries in the world. With a democracy and freedoms second to none.


Who created this country? Did the British people just discover this Shangri La one day and take it all for themselves. Or has it been built over the centuries on generation upon generation working for the good of the country?


Just because we are rich by comparison, does this mean we should allow others to come and take what we have? Do you? You will be richer than thousands of people, should they be allowed to come into your house, go through your stuff and take what ever they may want to create a better life for themselves?

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Problem with the british, we have no confidence in ourselves..europe is looking at us and laughing. A poll conducted in Germany, over half thought we should take more asylum seekers.


---------- Post added 18-09-2015 at 14:18 ----------



it does...the answer is a resounding yes.


the anti e.u attitude in the uk makes me feel we are pretty confident!

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Oh youre playing that game are you,the post some links strategy!

Can i suggest you just look at the last weeks papers or look on t'internet,its all there in glorious colour.

If youve not heard this already you must have been under your bridge.


Post evidence. I've seen nothing to suggest most asylum seekers are economic migrants. Otherwise its just an opinion.

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No implied statement, just a direct question.

You answered and i accept your answer,even though i am allowed to be sceptical.


So you only answer questions to those you deem worthy of your response? That in itself is very telling.


You got answers,they weren't the ones you wanted,you proved that by calling me a liar when I gave you more answers on an implied statement based on nothing.

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Post evidence. I've seen nothing to suggest most asylum seekers are economic migrants. Otherwise its just an opinion.


I've seen nothing to show they are asylum seekers rather than economic migrants. Have you got a flow chart we can follow to work out the difference? Maybe a series of pictures - like Guess Who?

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No egg on my face or a hole here mate.

I accepted your first answer (that took several attempts to get due to you sidestepping the initial question!)

Now in answer to a straight question about your opinion youre sidestepping again. Like i said, your opinion cant be wrong or right.

The appropriate answer would be "i have no opinion".

Ill take it as thats what you mean in the absence of a proper response and let you stay sitting on the fence.


The whole question and answer thing did become a farce but only because you chose to be obtuse.ill let the thread tell the tale.


And you've further proved my point by stating the answer you wanted in this post.

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